
Figure 4. DEPs of ECM-A mRNAs were quantified with human fetal membranes of pPROM (gray), sPTL (red), FTB (yellow), and PROM (blue). Quantitative measurement of mRNAs, which are involved in the ECM-A pathway, includes (A) CADM1 (P = 0.025), (B) CNTN1 (P = 0.0002), (C) HLA-DPB1 (P = 0.0178), (D) ICAM2 (P = 0.0013), (E) NRXN2 (P < 0.0001), (F) SPN (P = 0.0002). Statistical significance of differential expression, such as sPTL vs. pPROM or sPTL vs. FTB (A) and pPROM vs. FTB or sPTL vs. FTB (D-F) has been observed with *P < 0.05, **P < 0.005, ***P < 0.0005, ****P < 0.0001.