Figure 2. Changes in confidence in genomic processes. (A) Specialty workshops, (B) Blended learning course. 1 = “Needs improvement”, 3 = “Good”, 5 = “Excellent”. SEM: Standard error of the mean. Sample size for each item differs. For specialty workshops, n at baseline, completion, and follow-up, respectively: Phenotyping, 198, 210, 33; Types of test, 198, 211, 33; Right test for patient, 198, 211, 33; Referral pathways, 197, 180, 33; Interpret report, 195, 212, 33. For blended learning course, n at baseline, post-online, completion, and follow-up, respectively: Phenotyping, 63, 38, 62, 15; Types of test, 63, 38, 62, 14; Right test for patient, 63, 38, 62, 14; Referral pathways, 63, 38, 61, 14; Interpret report, 63, 38, 62, 14. *Increased above baseline, P < 0.02; aincreased from previous time point, P < 0.02; bno significant difference from previous time point (Wilcoxon rank-sum or one-sided t-test as appropriate).