Figure 3. mRNA levels of HRR genes augmented after the induction of DNA damage in ER-positive cells deprived of estrogen. MCF7 cells were grown in the absence of E2 for 72 h. Next, DSBs were induced with NCS for 10 min following by NCS inactivation (A) or E2 was supplemented for 24 h followed by DSB induction (B). Cells were allowed to recover from DSB induction for the indicated time points, mRNA was extracted, and quantitative real-time PCR was performed. mRNA levels of HRR genes were normalized to GAPDH and compared to the control. Notice changes in Y-axis scale between (A) and (B). The results from four experiments are shown. *A significant change compared to control; P-value < 0.05. DSB: Double-strand break.