Figure 1. Patient #33 (49.8 years) with mild ABCA4-IRD with limited alterations of the foveal area. (A) FAF: flecks with increased intensity at the border of the macula as well as superior to the optic disc. (B) NIA: mostly flecks with reduced intensity, including the fovea, and a few flecks with slightly increased intensity. (C) W-OCT: the horizontal green arrow on the fundus image indicates the location of the B-scan. The blue arrow indicates a fleck of outer segment loss, corresponding to a barely detectable loss of FAF intensity (A) and a marked loss of NIA intensity (B). (D) W-OCT: near the upper temporal vascular arcade flecks of subretinal material (SRM, green arrows) correspond to flecks of increased FAF intensity (A) and reduced NIA intensity (B).