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Review  |  Open Access  |  28 Jun 2021

Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks

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J Surveill Secur Saf 2021;2:66-82.
10.20517/jsss.2020.28 |  © The Author(s) 2021.
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Designing a secure and efficient anonymous authentication protocol for roaming services in global mobile networks is a hot topic in the field of information security protocols. Based on the widely accepted attacker model, this paper analyzes the security of three representative anonymous authentication protocols in global mobile networks. It is pointed out that: (1) Xu et al.’s protocol cannot resist the claimed offline password guessing attack and mobile user impersonation attack, and do not achieve mobile user untraceability and forward security; (2) Gupta et al.’s protocol cannot resist offline password guessing attacks, and temporary information disclosure attacks; (3) Madhusudhan et al.’s protocol cannot resist mobile user impersonation attack, foreign agent impersonation attack, replay attack, offline password guessing attack and session key disclosure attack, and cannot realize the anonymity and untraceability and forward security of users. It is emphasized that the fundamental reason for the failure of these protocols lies in the violation of the four basic principles of protocol design: Public key principle, Forward security principle, User anonymity principle and Anti offline guessing attack principle. The specific mistakes of these schemes are clarified, and the corresponding correction methods are proposed.


Global mobility networks, authentication and key agreement, perfect forward secrecy, anonymity and untraceability, offline password guessing attack

1 Introduction

With the rapid growth of Internet application demand, the Global Mobility Network (GLOMONET) gradually shows a wide range of application prospects in various fields closely related to people’s lives. This kind of network makes it easy for people to enjoy the convenience of mobile network. In the GLOMONET, when a travel mobile user with wireless device wants to get network service, she can pass the authentication of global mobile network with the help of home agent (HA) and be allowed to use the roaming service of foreign agent (FA) anywhere. Due to the openness and mobility of mobile networks and the limited resources of mobile devices, communication is vulnerable to various attacks, such as offline guessing attacks and failure to provide forward security. According to O’Dea[1], the forecast number of mobile users worldwide in 2024 will be 7.41 billion, 6.6% more than the 6.95 billion users in 2020. In other words, everyone in the world has at least one mobile device on average. The huge personal data of users is in urgent need of privacy protection. In the Internet of things, access control and authentication technology has been effectively studied[2-7]. Nevertheless, how to ensure the authenticity of communication entities, prevent the abuse of services and illegal access to resources, without reducing system availability, remains a serious challenge to the GLOMONET.

1.1 Related work

In 1997, Suzuki and Nakada[8] proposed an authentication technique for GLOMONET. The proposed authentication technique which only consists of two phases: registration phase and authentication phase, is suitable for the distributed security management of GLOMONET. Since then, a large number of authentication and key agreement protocols have been proposed for GLOMONET. In 2005, Lee et al.[9] proposed an authentication scheme without password. In the proposed scheme, the home network cannot obtain the authentication key between the roaming user and the visited network. In 2006, Lee et al.[10] proposed an enhanced scheme for eliminating the security weaknesses of Zhu and Ma’s scheme[11]. However, in 2009, Chang et al.[12] pointed out Lee et al.’s scheme suffers from the impersonation attack. Afterwards, Chang et al.[12] proposed an authentication scheme for roaming service that only used one-way hash functions and exclusive-OR operations in order to obtain security goals.

In 2010, Wu et al.[13] proposed a novel lightweight authentication scheme used one-way hash functions and symmetric cryptographic operations in GLOMONET for roaming service to provide user anonymity. In 2011, Zhou and Xu[14] also proposed a provable secure two-factor authentication protocol with anonymity for roaming service based on Diffie-Hellman assumption. In 2013, to overcome two kinds of impersonation attacks, He et al.[15] proposed anonymous two-factor authentication protocol for Consumer Roaming Service. However, He et al.’s scheme[15] is vulnerable to time synchronization attack.

In 2013, Jiang et al. showed that He et al.’s scheme[16] cannot achieve two-factor security, and it suffers from multiple known attacks. In order to improve security, Jiang et al.[17] proposed a scheme which based on quadratic residue assumption for GLOMONET. But it can be observed that Jiang et al.’s scheme[17] suffers denial of service attack. Moreover, Wen et al.[18] showed that Jiang et al.’s scheme[17] is vulnerable to replay attack and the stolen-verifier attack.

In 2017, Lee et al.[19] showed that Mun et al.’s scheme[20] is insecure against impersonation attack and man-in-the-middle attack, and it cannot achieve anonymity. Subsequently, Lee et al.[19] only used one-way hash function and exclusive-OR operation to propose an improved scheme for GLOMONET.

In 2018, Xu et al.[21] showed that Gope-Hwang’s scheme[22] cannot resist replay attack and synchronous attack. Afterwards, they proposed an authentication and key agreement protocol for GLOMONET used only hash functions and symmetric cryptosystem. While Gupta et al.[23] showed that Wu et al.’s scheme[24] cannot provide untraceability of the mobile user. What’s more, it’s inefficiency for the verification of the wrong password. Because there are many attacks in the existing protocols, in order to eliminate these problems, Madhusudhan and Shashidhara[25] proposed a secure authentication and key agreement scheme for mobile roaming users in 2019.

Combining with a large number of related literatures, we can observe that such authentication protocols in GLOMONET can be divided into three categories based on the different basic cryptography techniques used: (1) based on hash function and exclusive-OR operation; (2) based on hash function, exclusive-OR operation and symmetric cryptography; (3) based on public key cryptography. The authentication protocols of (1) and (2) always have some security problems, such as offline password attack and perfect forward secrecy. However, when the public key cryptography is not used properly, the authentication protocols of (3) are also vulnerable to various attacks.

1.2 Contribution

We provide a better understanding of user anonymous and untraceability, offline password guessing attack and perfect forward secrecy, etc, and we believe it would facilitate the design of secure and usability authentication and key agreement schemes for GLOMONET. Specifically, a summary of our contributions are as follows:

  • We analyze Xu et al.[21]’s, Gupta et al.[23]’s and Madhusudhan et al.[25]’s protocols, and find that none of the three anonymous authentication protocols in GLOMONET environment can achieve the user anonymity and untraceability, and they are vulnerable to offline password guessing attacks, and there are forward secrecy issues and mobile user impersonation attack, etc.

  • We highlight four basic design principles of anonymous two-factor authentication protocol in GLOMONET: (1) Public key technology principle. Under the assumption of non tamper resistant smart card, using public key technology is a necessary condition to resist offline password guessing attack; (2) Perfect forward secrecy principle. Public key technology is a necessary condition for preserving perfect forward secrecy; (3) Mobile users anonymity and untraceability principle. Using public key technology is a necessary condition for realizing user anonymity and untraceability; (4) Anti offline password guessing principle. At present, using ”Fuzzy-Verifiers” and ”Honeywords” technology is a good choice for realizing anti offline password guessing attack[26].

1.3 Roadmap of this paper

The remainder of this paper is as follows: Section 2 describes the system model and attacker model. Section 3 reviews the efficient anonymous authentication scheme proposed by Xu et al. And the security of the scheme is analyzed in Section 4. Section 5 describes the two-factor authentication scheme based on quadratic residue hypothesis proposed by Gupta et al. And Section 6 points out the security problems of the scheme. Section 7 and Section 8 respectively review and analyze the scheme of Madhusudhan et al.Section 9 highlights four basic design principles of two-factor authentication scheme in GLOMONET. Finally, Section 10 summarizes the conclusion.

2 System model and attacker model

This section introduces the system model of authentication and key agreement in GLOMONET and attacker model. The notations used in this paper are presented in Table 1.

Table 1


HAHome agentMUMobile user
FAForeign agenth(·)One-way hash-function
IDMUIdentity of MUPWMUPassword of MU
Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networksThe space of identitiesRevisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networksThe space of passwords
Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networksMalicious adversarySKThe session key
Bitwise XOR operation||String concatenation operation

2.1 System model

In a two-factor authentication and key exchange protocol for roaming service in GLOMONET, there exist there participants namely the mobile user (MU), the FA and the HA. First of all, MU needs to register themselves with HA before she wants to get mobile network roaming service. In the registration phase, MU sends the registration request to HA, and sends the identity or password information after privacy processing to HA on the secure channel. Then, HA stores some key parameters processed by cryptography in a new smart card and sends the smart card to the corresponding MU. Then, in order to obtain the access rights of FA, MU needs the assistance of HA. The specific process is as follows: (1) MU sends roaming service login request to FA; (2) FA sends authentication request to HA; (3) HA sends response to FA after authenticating FA; (4) FA sends response to user after authenticating HA; (5) After MU authenticates FA, the session key is calculated. Therefore, mobile users can use the session key to enjoy roaming service safely.

2.2 Attacker model

Many scholars[26-43] have studied the attacker model of password authentication protocol, among which the Dolev-Yao model[31] is the most classic. Due to the openness of the network, side channel attacks have developed rapidly in recent years (such as timing attacks, electromagnetic attacks and energy consumption attacks). Side-channel attack means that the attacker has strong ability and can extract security parameters stored in smart devices (eg., smart cards). When analyzing the authentication protocol in GLOMONET, this paper will adopt a new attack model which combines multiple attack models, such as those presented in reported works[26,27,32-47]. Finally, the capacities of the adversary for two-factor authentication schemes in GLOMONET are summarized as follows.

  • All parameters stored in the smart card of the mobile users can be extracted using side channel attack by the adversary .

  • can eavesdrop, delete, intercept, replay, modify and block all message in the open channel.

  • can offline enumerate all pairs of (PWMU, IDMU) from within polynomial time, where refers to the space of identities and refers to the space of passwords. In fact, according to the reported work[37,38] the space of identities and passwords is very limited in real life, .

  • Any adversary can register as a legitimate mobile user if anyone can do this.

  • may can obtain previous session keys by improper erasure(e.g. using digital forensic techniques).

  • can obtain the private key of the mobile user, the home agent and the foreign agent when carrying out the perfect forward secrecy attack.

3 Xu et al.’s scheme

In 2018, Xu et al.[21] pointed out that Gopa and Hwang’s scheme[22] is vulnerable to replay attack and has the problem of computational burden. Afterwards, Xu et al.[21] designed an improved authentication scheme for roaming service in GLOMONET. However, here we show that Xu et al.’s scheme[21] still has several serious defects, including lack of mobile user untraceability and perfect forward secrecy, offline password guessing attack, and mobile user impersonation attack.

3.1 Registration phase

  • S1. A new mobile user MU sends her real identity IDMU to the home agent HA through the secure channel.

  • S2. On receiving the IDMU, HA generates two random numbers nh and n0 and then calculates Kuh = h (IDMU||nh) and EID = Ek (IDMU||n0), where Kuh is a shared key between MU and HA and k is a secret key of HA. Afterwards, HA stores IDMU, Kuh and sends the message {EID, Kuh, h(·)} to MU via the secure channel.

  • S3. MU chooses a password PWMU and calculates EID*= EIDh(IDMU||PWMU), . Finally, MU replaces EID, Kuh with EID*, , respectively. And the smart card SC contains these parameters .

3.2 Authentication and key agreement phase

In this part, with the help of the home agent HA, the mobile user MU and the foreign agent FA will authenticate each other and establish a common session key.

  • S1. MU generates a random number Nm and inputs her identity IDMU and password PWMU into the smart card SC. Then, SC computes , EID = EID*h(IDMU||PWMU), Nx = h(IDMU||Kuh)⊕Nm and V1= h(EID||Nx||T1||IDMU||Kuh). Finally, MU sends the message MA1 : {EID, Nx, IDh, V1, T1} to FA, where T1 is a Time-stamp.

  • S2. After receiving MA1, FA first checks the validity of T1. If not, FA terminates this session immediately. Otherwise, FA generates a random number Nf and calculates Ny = h(Kfh)⊕Nf, V2 = h(EID||Nx||Ny||T2||Kfh||Nf). Finally, FA sends the message MA2: {EID, Nx, IDf, V1, T1, Ny, V2, T2} to HA, where T2 is a Time-stamp.

  • S3. On receiving the MA2, HA checks the validity of T2 time. If not, HA end the session immediately. Otherwise, HA figures out Nf = h(Kfh) ⊕ Ny, . And it further verifies whether is equal to V2. If it is not equal, it end this session. Otherwise, then HA decrypts EID through IDMU||n0 = Dk(EID) and obtains MU’s real identity IDMU and the random number n0. Afterwards, it calculates and verifies whether is equal to V1. If not, it ends this session. If so, HA generates a random number n1 and computes D = Ek(IDMU||n1) and the new pseudo identity FID*= FIDh(IDMU||Kuh). Afterwards, HA calculates Nm = h(IDMU||Kuh) ⊕ Nx, and . Lastly, HA sends the response to FA.

  • S4. Upon receiving the MA3, FA figures out and verifies whether it is equal to V3. If so, it calculates and the session key SK = Nmn0Nf. Finally, FA sends the message to MU.

  • S5. Upon receiving the MA4, MU computes and checks whether it is equal to V4. If so, she computes and the session key SK = Nmn0Nf. Afterwards, MU computes FID = FID*h(IDMU||Kuh) and replaces EID with FID.

3.3 Password update phase

The mobile user MU can change her password by itself. In order to change the password, MU needs to use her old password PWMU and enters the new password Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks. After that, she calculates Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks and EID** = EIDRevisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks. Lastly, MU replaces Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks with Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks in the smart card, respectively.

4 Cryptanalysis of Xu et al.’s scheme

4.1 Lack of mobile user untraceability

We suppose that Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks gets the message {EID, Nx, IDh, V1, T1}. Since EID = Ek(IDMU||n0) is a fixed value, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can track the login request behavior of legitimate mobile user IDMU. Therefore, Xu et al.’s scheme cannot provide mobile user untraceability.

4.2 Offline password guessing attack: Case I (via special parameter in smart card)

Suppose that the adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks extracts these parameters {EID*, h()} and gets the message {EID, Nx, IDh, V1, T1}. The adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can guess the user password offline. The specific process is as follows:

  • first selects PW* from the password dictionary space and selects ID* from the identity dictionary space .

  • computes δ = EIDEID*= h(IDMU||PWMU).

  • computes δ*= h(ID*||PW*).

  • checks whether δ* is equal to δ.

If equal, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks finds the correct password and identity of MU. Otherwise, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks repeat steps 1)-4) until she finds the correct password and identity.

The time complexity of the above attack is: Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks,where Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks and Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks denote the number of passwords in Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks and the number of identity in Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks, Th is the running time of hash computation. Usually Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks[32,37], therefore, the above attack is very efficient. In fact, why the above attack is successful is that, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can obtain the parameter EID* in smart card and EID in public channel, and directly figures out the exact parameter h(IDMU||PWMU) directly. Finally, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks just needs to traverse the space of passwords and identities.

4.3 Offline password guessing attack: Case II (via special parameter in smart card)

Suppose that the adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks extracts these parameters Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks and gets the message {EID, Nx, IDh, V1, T1}. The adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can guess the user password offline. The specific process is as follows:

  • first selects PW* from the password dictionary space and selects ID* from the identity dictionary space .

  • computes .

  • computes .

  • checks if is equal to Kuh.

If equal, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks finds the correct password and identity of MU. Otherwise, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can repeat steps 1)-4) until the equation holds.

The time complexity is: Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks, therefore, the above attack is efficient.

4.4 Offline password guessing attack: Case III (via verification value in public channel)

Suppose that the adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks extracts these parameters Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks and gets the message {EID, Nx, IDh, V1, T1}. The adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can guess the user password offline. The specific process is as follows:

  • first selects PW* from the password dictionary space and selects ID* from the identity dictionary space .

  • computes .

  • computes .

  • checks if is equal to V1.

If equal, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks finds the correct password and identity of MU. Otherwise, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can repeat steps 1)-4) until the equation holds. The time complexity of the above attack is: Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks, therefore, the above attack is also very efficient.

4.5 No perfect forward secrecy

In Xu et al.’s scheme[21], Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can obtain the established session key between the mobile user MU and the foreign agent FA if Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks gets the private key k of HA.

  • eavesdrops the message in public channel and extracts the parameter in smart card.

  • decrypts EID using the long term private key k of HA, that is, Dk (EID) = IDMU||n0.

  • computes .

  • computes Nm = h(IDMU|Kuh) ⊕ Nx.

  • computes .

  • Finally, successfully calculates the session key SK = Nmn0Nf.

4.6 Mobile user impersonation attack

According to Section 2), the adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can figure out the shared key Kuh between MU and HA. Thus, if Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks obtains the identity IDMU of the mobile user MU by using of offline guessing attack, she becomes capable to impersonate MU. To do so, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks captures the login request message {EID, Nx, IDh, T1} in public channel and extracts the parameter Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks in smart card. Afterwards, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks performs the following steps.

  • computes .

  • chooses a random number , and then calculates .

  • computes , where is the current Time-stamp.

  • The adversary sends the forged message to FA.

Since FA only checks the validity of Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks, the forged message Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks is easy to pass the authentication of FA. On the other hand, since the forged message Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks is indistinguishable from the real MA1, MU also can pass the authentication of HA. Therefore, Xu et al.’s scheme[21] cannot resist mobile user impersonation attack.

5 Gupta et al.’s scheme

Gupta et al.’s scheme[23] uses public key encryption based on quadratic residue assumption. Quadratic residue assumption is described as follows: Assume p, q are large primes, n = pq, and x and n is given. It’s hard to get y from the equation x = y2 mod n. However, if the factors of n i.e. p and q are known, Chinese remainder theorem can solve this problem. More detailed description can be found in Jiang et al.’s scheme[17].

Moreover, in order to solve the problems of efficient typo detection, DoS attack and password guessing attack, the proposed scheme uses the “Fuzzy-Verifier” technique[26]. And Gupta et al.’s scheme[23] has four phases. However, registration phase and mutual authentication phase are needed in this paper. The detailed descriptions of the two phases are as follows.

5.1 Registration phase

  • S1. A mobile user MU selects a random number b and a new password PWMU. MU computes HPWMU = h(PWMU||b). Afterwards, MU sends IDMU and HPWMU to HA through a secure channel.

  • S2. Upon getting IDMU, HPWMU from MU at the time Trg, HA computes Bi = h((h(IDMU)⊕h(HPWMU)) mod n0), where n0 is an integer and 24n0 ≤ 28, then it checks whether IDMU is in User_List or not. If not, HA generates a new entry for IDMU as {IDMU, li, Trg, Honey_List}, where li is a unique random number corresponding to MU, Honey_List to record the number of login failure and initialized to 0. Otherwise, HA updates Trg and li, in the User_List. HA computes Ki = h(IDMU||x||li||Trg), Ci = KiHPWMU. After that, HA stores {Bi, Ci, n0, li, h(·), n} in the smart card.n is a public key of the home server which used for the encryption by the mobile users. Then HA sends it to MU. On receiving the smart card, MU enters b into the smart card.

5.2 Mutual authentication phase

In this phase, the mobile user MU can get access of the foreign server by performing authentication and key agreement. Assuming z is prime, E is an Elliptic curve over the field GF(z) where E has large embedding degree, and P is a base point in Elliptic curve.

  • S1. MU inserts the smart card into a card reader and inputs IDMU and PWMU.

  • S2. The smart card figures out HPWMU = h(PWMU||b), Bi = h((h(IDMU) ⊕ h(HPWMU)) mod n0) and verifies if the computed Bi is equal to the stored Bi. If the computed Bi ≠ stored Bi, blocks the session. Otherwise, the smart card calculates Ki = CiHPWMU and M1 = (IDMU, IDFA, IDHA, Ki, T1, rP)2 mod n, where IDFA, IDHA are the identities of the foreign agent and home agent respectively, T1 is the timestamp at which the message M1 is sent, r is a random number generated by the mobile user. Afterwards, MU sends the M1 to the foreign agent FA.

  • S3. On receving M1, FA chooses a random number s and calculates M2 = (M1 ||T2| |sP). T2 is the timestamp when the message M2 is generated. Subsequently, FA uses ECDSM and private key SKv on the message M2 to generate digital signature σv. Then FA publishes its public key PKV to all the servers periodically, which is corresponding to the private key SKV and certified by the certificate authority CA. In the end, FA sends the home agent HA the message M2 and signature σv.

  • S4. On receiving M2 and σv, HA verifies the timestamp T2. If the timestamp T2 is not valid, HA end this session. Otherwise, HA checks the signature σv using the public key of FA. If the verification is not successful, HA sends the failure notice to FA. If so, HA using the private key p, q decrypts M1 where n = p × q. Then HA obtains IDMU, IDFA, IDHA, Ki, T1, rP. Afterwards, HA verifies them. HA refuses this session if anyone is not valid. Otherwise, HA searches whether IDMU is in the User_List or not. If not, HA rejects the authentication request and sets Honey_List to Honey_List + 1. In case the value of Honey_List crosses the preset threshold value (e.g.,10), HA suspends the card till MU does not re-register. If the IDMU is in the User_List, HA obtains li and Trg from the User_List and compute Ki = h(IDMU||x||li||Trg). Subsequently, HA verifies whether the computed K, equal with the received K,. If the verification is valid, MU is successfully authenticated. Otherwise, HA sends FA the authentication failure notice. When authentication is successful, HA figures out M3 = rP||T3, M4 = sP||T3, σH = Sign(M3, SKH) and M5 = h(Ki||sP||T3) where σH is digital signature generated using ECDSM, T3 is the timestamp when M3 and M4 are sent, Sign is ECDSM signature generation algorithm, SKH is the private key of HA for ECDSM signature generation. HA publishes the public key PKH to all the servers which is corresponding to SKH and certified by the certified authority CA. HA sends (M3, M4, M5, σH) to FA.

  • S5. On receiving (M3, M4, M5, σH), FA checks first T3. If T3 is not valid, FA discards the message. Otherwise, FA uses the public key PKH to check the σH. If it is fails, FA discards the message. Otherwise, FA sets SK = srP and sends (M4, M5) to MU.

  • S6 On receiving (M4, M5) from FA, MU checks the timestamp T3. If T3 is not valid, MU discards the message (M4, M5). Otherwise, MU computes Ki = CiHPWMU and . Finally, MU checks . If they are equal, MU figures out the session key SK = rsP. Otherwise, MU terminates this session.

6 Cryptanalysis of Gupta et al.s scheme

Here, we show that Gupta et al.’s scheme[23] still has two serious faws, namely, offline password guessing attack and session-specific temporary information attack.

6.1 Offline password guessing attack: Case I

Suppose that the adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks extracts these parameters {Ci, b} from the smart card, gets the message {M1, M3} and the public key n of HA. The adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can guess the user password offline. The specific process is as follows:

  • first selects PW* and three identities from the password dictionary space and three identity dictionary space , respectively. Moreover, chooses a time-stamp from the appropriate time interval ΔT.

  • calculates .

  • computes.

  • Since M3 = rP||T3, can compute mod n.

  • verifies whether is equal to M1.

If it is equal, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks finds out the correct password and identity of MU. Otherwise, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks repeats steps 1)-5) until the equation holds.

The time complexity of the above attack is: Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks, therefore, the above attack is efficient.

6.2 Offline password guessing attack: Case II

Suppose that the adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks extracts these parameters {Ci, b}, gets the message {M4, M5}. The adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can guess the user password offline. The specific process is as follows:

  • first selects PW* from the password dictionary space and selects three identities from three identity dictionary space .

  • calculates .

  • computes .

  • Since M4 = sP||T3, can compute .

  • verifies whether is equal to M5.

If they are equal, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks gets the correct password and identity of MU. Otherwise, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can repeat steps 1)-5) until the equation holds.

The time complexity of the above attack is: Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks, therefore, the above attack is very efficient.

6.3 Session-specific temporary information attack

In Gupta et al.s scheme[23], if all temporary information s, r are compromised, then Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can compute SK = srP. Therefore, in the case of temporary information disclosure, Gupta et al.’s scheme[23] is vulnerable to session-specific temporary information attack.

7 Madhusudhan et al.s scheme

In 2019, Madhusudhan et al.[25] only used hash function and symmetric password to construct an authentication scheme[25] in GLOMONET, and they claimed this scheme to be able to resist various attacks and provide user anonymity. But here, we show that Madhusudhan et al.s scheme[25] cannot provide user anonymity and perfect forward secrecy, and it is vulnerable to at least five types of attacks. The specific cryptanalysis process is as follows:

7.1 Initialization phase

Suppose that HA computes n = pq, where p, q are two prime numbers. And p' and q' are public primes, HA selects G (multiplication group) and an element gG with order q'. Then HA choose a symmetric key SHA = a(< q') and computes the public key PHA = ga mod p'. Similarly, FA chooses a private key SFA = b(< q') then computes the public key PFA = gb mod p'.

7.2 Registration phase

  • S1. A new MU randomly chooses IDMU, and PWMU and a random number b. Afterwards, MU submits (IDMU||b) to HA.

  • S2. Upon receiving (IDMU||b) from MU, HA calculates RMU = h((IDMU||b)||IDHA||x), B = h(x), where x is a secret number of HA, and CMU = (gB mod p) ⊕ (IDMU||b). Then, HA initiates a counter nMU = 0 for MU and stores (IDMU||b, nMU) in its database and sends the parameters {RMU,CMU,nMU, h(.)} to MU.

  • S3. On receiving the parameters, MU computes RM = h(IDMU||PWMU||b). Then, MU keeps {RMU,CMU,b,RM,nMU, h(.)}.

7.3 Login and authentication phase

In this phase, MU and FA agree on a session key and perform mutual authentication through HA to access the required services. The login and authentication phases’ procedures are depicted in Fig. 3.

  • S1. MU inputs , and calculates . After, MU checks whether or not. If not, MU end the session. Otherwise, the legality of MU is ensured. Then MU generates a nonce NMU and computes U = RMUNMU, V = (CMUh(IDMU||b)||IDFA) ⊕ NMU, W = (U||nMU||CMUh(IDMU||b)). Finally, the mobile user MU sends FA the message M1= {U, V, W}.

  • S2. Upon receiving M1, FA generates a random number NFA. Afterwards, FA encrypts the message M1 with NFA. Subsequently, FA sends the encrypted information with FA’s identity to HA.

  • S3. Upon receiving M2, HA checks IDFA and searches the secret key corresponding to IDFA. Then HA decrypts the received information and authenticates on it. If the authentication is sucessful, a session key is generated by HA for communication between FA and MU. If not, HA refuses the login request M2. Otherwise, HA calculates DKFH(EKFH{M1, NFA)), B = h(x), gB mod p, , , , . Furthermore, HA checks whether exists in HA. If it so, HA authenticates MU. Otherwise, HA ends this session. Afterwards, HA calculates W* = (U||nMU|| (gB mod p)), then HA checks whether W* is equal to W or not. If it is equal, HA authenticates MU. Otherwise, HA ends the session. Subsequently, HA figures out the session key SK = h(gB mod p) ⊕ NMUNFA- Lastly, HA calculates the message M3 = {EKFH(SK)} and sends to FA.

  • S4. Upon receiving M3, FA figures out DKFH(EKFH(SK)), V1= h(SK||NFA). Lastly, FA returns the message M4 = {V1, NFA} to MU.

  • S5. Upon receiving the message M4, MU figures out SK* = CMU⊕(IDMU||b)⊕NMUNFA, . MU performs further routine verification. If both pass the verification, the authentication and key agreement process are completed successfully.

8 Cryptanalysis of Madhusudhan etal.'s scheme

8.1 No provision of moboile user anonymity and untraceability

Since the adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can get the parameters {RMU, CMU, b, RM, nMU, h()} of the smart card and the message {M1 = {U, V, W}, IDFA} over public channel, she is able to compute NMU = URMU and (CMUIDMU||b||IDFA) = VNMU. Afterwards, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks gets CMUIDMU. And then Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks obtains IDMU = (CMUIDMU) ⊕ CMU using CMU. Therefore, Madhusudhan et al.’s scheme[25] cannot provide mobile user anonymity and untraceability.

8.2 Offline password guessing attack

Suppose that the adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks extracts these parameters {RMU, CMU, b, RM, KMU, h()} from the smart card. The adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can guess the users password in the offline way, and the specific process is as follows:

  • first selects and three identities from the password dictionary space and three identity dictionary space , respectively.

  • calculates .

  • verifies whether is equal to RM.

If it is equal, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks finds out the correct password and identity of MU. Otherwise, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can repeat steps 1)-3) until the equation holds.

The time complexity of the above attack is: Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks, therefore, the above attack is very efficient. On the other hand, according to Section, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks has been able to get IDMU. Hence, the time complexity of the above attack can be reduce to Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks.

8.3 Replay attack

The attacker resends the M4 to the mobile user, and the mobile user is unable to check the freshness of M4. A method is: the user constructs the session key SK and the new message M5 to FA, FA checks the validity of M5 and figures out SK by using of its secret key.

8.4 Mobile user impersonation attack

According to Section, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks has been able to get IDMU and IDFA. Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks must forge a real login request message so as to impersonate the legitimate mobile user. In fact, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can take the following steps:

  • chooses a random number and computes .

  • computes .

  • computes W* = (U*||nMU||CMUh{IDMU||b)).

  • The adversary sends the forged message to FA.

Obviously, the forged message Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks is easy to pass the authentication of FA. And since the forged message Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks is indistinguishable from the real M1, MU can also pass the authentication of HA. Moreover, The time cost of this attack is only Th. Therefore, Madhusudhan et al.’s scheme[25] cannot resist mobile user impersonation attack.

8.5 Session key disclosure attack

Suppose that the adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can extract the parameters {RMU, CMU, b,h()} of the smart card and the message {U, IDFA, NFA}} over public channel. Moreover, according to Section, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks has been able to get IDMU. Then Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can figure out the established session key SK by performing the following steps:

  • computes NMU = URMU.

  • chooses a random number SK = CMUh(IDMU||b) ⊕ NMUNFA.

Therefore, the adversary can easily get the session key without the private key x of HA in Madhusudhan et al.’s scheme[25].

8.6 Foreign agent impersonation attack: Case I

Suppose that the adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can get the parameters {RMU, CMU, b, RM, KMU, h{)} of the smart card and the message {M1= {U, V, W}, IDFA, M4 = {V1, NFA}} over public channel. According to Section, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks has been able to get IDMU. In order to impersonate the legitimate foreign agent FA, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks must forge a real respond message to the mobile user. Accordingly, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can take the following steps:

  • computes NMU = URMU.

  • chooses a random number .

  • computes .

  • computes .

  • The adversary sends the forged respond message to FA.

Obviously, since the forged respond message Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks is indistinguishable from the real M4, FA can pass the authentication of MU. Moreover, The time cost of this attack is only 2Th. Therefore, Madhusudhan et al.’s scheme[25] is vulnerable to foreign agent impersonation attack.

8.7 Foreign agent impersonation attack: Case II

Suppose that the adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can get the parameters {RMU, CMU, b, RM, nMU, h()} of the smart card and the message U, IDFA, M4 = {V1,NFA}} over public channel. In order to impersonate the legitimate foreign agent FA, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks must forge a real respond message to the mobile user. Accordingly, Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can take the following steps:

  • computes NMU = URMU.

  • can compute gB mod p||IDFA = V ⊕ NMU because NMU = V ⊕ (gB mod P||IDFA). Accordingly, gets gB mod p.

  • chooses a random number .

  • computes .

  • computes .

  • The adversary sends the forged respond message to FA.

Since SK* is indistinguishable from the real SK, the respond message Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks forged by the adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can pass the authentication of MU. Moreover, The time cost of this attack is also only 2Th. Therefore, in this case, Madhusudhan et al.’s scheme[25] is also vulnerable to foreign agent impersonation attack.

8.8 No perfect forward secrecy

In Madhusudhan et al.'s scheme[25], we suppose that Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks can extract the parameters {RMU, CMU, b, h()} of the smart card and the message {U, IDFA, NFA}} over public channel. Once the adversary Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks obtains the home agent HA’s private key x, she can deduce the established session key by MU and FA by executing the following steps:

  • computes NMU = URMU.

  • can compute B = h(x), and then figures out gB mod p.

  • chooses a random number SK = h(gB mod p) ⊕ NMUNFA.

Therefore, with help of the private key x of HA, the adversary can easily get the session key in Madhusudhan et al.'s scheme[25]. Accordingly, Madhusudhan et al.'s scheme[25] cannot provide perfect forward secrecy.

9 The design principles of authentication scheme in GLOMONET

Although a lot of work has been done to study the security flaws of existing protocols, there are relatively few studies to analyze the flaws of existing protocols from the perspective of the protocol design principles for GLOMONET, so the same common mistakes are repeated again and again. In fact, many security flaws of Xu et al.[21]’s, Gupta et al.[23]’s and Madhusudhan et al.[25]’s schemes, that are pointed out in this paper, are caused by violating the basic design principles of the authentication schemes in GLOMONET (the details are summarized in Table 2). In fact, there are many security flaws in existing protocols because they violate the following four design principles proposed in this paper (see Table 3). Therefore, the four design principles proposed for authentication schemes summarized in this paper provide a reference for researchers to design secure and effective two-factor authentication protocols for GLOMONET.

Table 2

Summary of six representative schemes violating the basic design principles of authentication schemes

SchemesWeaknessesPrinciples not followed
Xu et al.[21]Lack of mobile user untraceabilityMobile user anonymity and untraceability[29]
Offline password guessing attackAnti offline password guessing[27]
No perfect forward secrecyPerfect forward secrecy[27]
Mobile user impersonation attackPublic key technology[27]
Gupta et al.[23]offline password guessing attackAnti Offline password guessing[27]
Madhusudhan et al.[25]Lack of mobile user untraceabilityMobile user anonymity and untraceability[29]
Offline password guessing attackAnti offline password guessing[27]
No perfect forward secrecyPerfect forward secrecy[27]
Public key technology[27]
Table 3

A summary of the existing schemes that violate the four design principles of two-factor authentication schemes

Design principlesThe essence of the principlesTypical schemes violating the principles
PKTPUnder the assumption of non tamper resistant smart card, public key cryptography is a necessary condition to achieve two-factor security.[16,18,19,22,55,59,64-67,70,71]
PFSPPublic key technology is a necessary condition to achieve forward security, and the server-end has at least two public key operations.[16,18-20,22,59,62,64,66,67,70,71]
MUAUPUnder the assumption of non tamper resistant smart card, public key cryptography is the basic component of user anonymity and untraceability.[19,20,24,53,56,59-66,70]
AOLPGPPublic key technology and “Fuzzy verifiers” technology are the basic components to resist offline password guessing attack.[16,18-20,24,53-55,57-59,62-71]

9.1 PKTP: Public key technology principle

Public key technology principle means that public key cryptosystem (eg., RSA, ECC and quadratic residue.) is used in the proposed authentication scheme. In order to improve the security and efficiency of authentication in global mobility networks, Lee et al.[19] propose a new authentication protocol. But the protocol only uses private key cryptography primitives (such as hash operation and XOR operation), and it is vulnerable to offline password guessing attack, and it also cannot provide perfect forward secrecy. Moreover, Ma et al.[27] also proved that under the assumption of non-tamper resistant smart card, the two factor authentication protocol without public key cryptography cannot resist offline password guessing attack. Therefore, it is a necessary condition for authentication scheme to use public key technology in GLOMONET.

9.2 PFSP: Perfect forward secrecy principle

The meaning of perfect forward security is to ensure that the previously established session key is still secure when one or more long-term private keys are leaked. In 2000, Park et al.[48] researched the perfect forward secrecy principle of authentication and key agreement scheme for the first time. In 2014, Ma et al.[27] further points out that for the purpose of achieving perfect forward security, the two-factor authentication and key agreement scheme protocol must satisfy two basic conditions: (1) using public key cryptography; (2) at least two public key cryptography operations are required at the server side. This just explains the failure of forward security of Xu et al.[21]’s and Madhusudhan et al.[25]’s schemes.

In order to achieve perfect forward security, authentication protocols can take advantage of the difficulty of factorization of large integers, computational Diffie-Hellman problems on elliptic curves and chaotic maps, and lattice cryptography for compatibility with quantum resistance. Based on the balance between security and practicability, the designer can make a reasonable choice of public key cryptography technology according to the actual application requirements in GLOMONET.

9.3 MUAUP: Mobile users anonymity and untraceability principle

In GLOMONET, mobile users anonymity and untraceability is one of the most basic security properties. In actual mobile application scenarios, such as mobile electronic payment and mental health online consultation, mobile users may not want strangers to know their user names and communication traces.

In 2014, Wang et al.[49] proposed the anonymity public key principle for the two-factor protocol for wireless sensor network environment. Based on the work of Halevi et al.[50] and Impagliazzo et al.[51], Wang et al. strictly proved that it is infeasible to use symmetric key technology to realize user anonymity. Moreover, Wang et al.[49] also pointed out that the anonymity principle is universal and can be applied to other mobile application scenarios. Therefore, Xu et al.[21]’s and Madhusudhan et al.[25]’s protocols only use symmetric cryptography primitives such as hash function and XOR operation, which cannot realize user anonymity and untraceability. Specifically, in Xu et al.’s scheme[21], a fixed parameter EID is transmitted by the mobile user on the common channel, which causes the adversary to track the mobile user’s communication behavior. In Madhusudhan et al.’s scheme[25], the adversary can directly figure out the identity of mobile user. In the final analysis, the reason why provides anonymity and untraceability failure is that these parameters are not well protected by public key cryptography.

9.4 AOLPGP: Anti offline password guessing principle

Any authentication protocol in GLOMONET should be able to guarantee the security of password. If the password of mobile user can be guessed offline in polynomial time, it indicates that the protocol is vulnerable to offline password guessing attacks. Moreover, in this case, the security of the authentication protocol is completely collapsed. In Xu et al.’s scheme[21], the adversary can guess the mobile user’s password and identity in three ways. Gupta et al.’s scheme[23] suffers from offline password guessing attack of two ways. Madhusudhan et al.’s scheme[25] is also vulnerable to offline password guessing attack.

In order to achieve ”local password security update”, Xu et al.’s scheme and Madhusudhan et al.’s scheme store password verification parameters in smart cards, which makes them convenient for offline password guessing, that is, there is a ”security vs. usability” balance problem proposed by Huang et al.[52]. Fortunately, combining ”Fuzzy-Verifiers” technology[33] with ”Honeywords” technology in the field of system security, Wang et al.[26] successfully solves the problems left over in[52], achieves a better balance of ”security vs. usability”, and achieves security beyond the traditional upper limit.

We can observe that Gupta et al.’s scheme uses ”Fuzzy-Verifiers” technology[33] and ”Honeywords” technology to provide local password verification, however, these parameters M3, M5 are constructed improperly in public channel, so that the adversary can use them to perform offline guessing attacks. In addition to offline guessing attacks, there are online guessing attacks. However, online guessing attack is easy to be detected, and can also be dealt with by setting the number of online wrong logins.

10 Conclusion

This paper analyzes the security of three representative anonymous authentication protocols in GLOMONET environment, highlights some serious security threats against these protocols, and gives the specific attack methods that attackers may take, which will provide better reference for the analysis and design of such protocols in GLOMONET. Specifically, this paper first points out that Xu et al.’s scheme[21] is vulnerable to three kinds of offline password guessing attacks and suffers from mobile user impersonation attack. Moreover, Xu et al.’s scheme[21] cannot also achieve perfect forward secrecy and user anonymity and untraceability. Next, it shows that Gupta et al.’s scheme[23] cannot resist two kinds of offline password guessing attacks and session-specific temporary information attack. Then, it is pointed out that Madhusudhan et al.’s scheme[25] is vulnerable to offline password guessing attacks, replay attack, mobile user impersonation attack, seesion key disclosure attack and two kinds of foreign agent impersonation attack, and cannot achieve mobile user anonymity and perfect forward secrecy.

It is pointed out that the above protocols[21,23,25] fail to resist offline password guessing attack and achieve anonymity and forward secrecy because it violates four basic principles of two-factor authentication protocol design: public key cryptography technology principle, perfect forward security principle, user anonymity & untraceability principle and anti offline password guessing principle. According to the basic design principles of authentication schemes, designing efficient and usability secure anonymous two-factor authentication protocols for roaming service in GLOMONET is worth studying in the next step.



The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their invaluable comments.

Authors’ contributions

Made substantial contributions to conception and design of the study and performed data analysis and interpretation: Qiu SM, Wang D

Availability of data and materials

Not applicable.

Financial support and sponsorship

This work was supported by the Science and technology research project of Education Department of Jiangxi Province (No.GJJ191680), and Doctoral Foundation of Jiangxi Normal University.

Conflicts of interest

Both authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.

Ethical approval and consent to participate

Not applicable.

Consent for publication

Not applicable.


© The Author(s) 2020.


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Open Access
Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks
Shuming Qiu, Ding Wang

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Qiu, S.; Wang D. Revisiting three anonymous two-factor authentication schemes for roaming service in global mobility networks. J. Surveill. Secur. Saf. 2021, 2, 66-82.

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