
Effects of tamoxifen inducible MerCreMer on gene expression in cardiac myocytes in mice

Figure 1. Effects of tamoxifen (TAM) injection and expression of the MerCreMer (MCM) transgene protein on cardiac myocyte transcripts. (A) Levels of the transgene (Mcm) transcripts detected by RT-PCR of the ligand binding domain of the estrogen receptor (Esr1), showing markedly increased levels in the TAM injected Myh6-Mcm relative to wild type (WT) mouse myocytes. (B) Heart/body weight ratio showing no difference between the two groups. (C) Principal component analysis (PCA) of the cardiac myocyte transcripts showing distinct separation of the transcripts of myocytes isolated from the WT and Myh6-Mcm mice. (D) Volcano plot of transcripts identifying the differentially expressed genes (DEGs). The up-regulated genes are shown in red, the downregulated ones in blue, and those unchanged in black. (E) Heat map of the DEGs, showing distinct genotype-dependent categorization. (F) Pearson correlation plot showing a significant correlation in the changes in the transcript levels of 85 genes between the WT and Myh6-Mcm myocytes, as detected by RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq) and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) methods in independent samples. Changes between the genotypes are presented as fold change (Log2). (G) Heat map of the transcript levels of selected genes in the WT and Myh6-Mcm myocytes as quantified by the RNA-Seq and RT-PCR in independent samples.

The Journal of Cardiovascular Aging
ISSN 2768-5993 (Online)


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