
Transcriptomic analysis of plasma-derived small extracellular vesicles reveals the pathological characteristics of normal tension glaucoma

Figure 2. The characteristics of sEVs and the sEVs mRNA signature of plasma in NTG patients. (A) Characteristics of plasma sEVs: Transmission electron microscopy images of sEVs with scale bar = 500 nm; nanoparticle tracking analysis for a particle diameter, and immunoblotting for commonly used sEVs protein markers, which include Alix, TSG101, and syntenin; (B) Volcano plot of mRNAs in plasma sEVs. The red dots represent upregulated genes; the blue dots represent downregulated genes; (C) GO and KEGG analyses of mRNAs that were differentially expressed with a fold change ≥ 2 and P ≤ 0.05 between the NTG and cataract groups. The X-axis represents the -log10 (P value), and the Y-axis represents the top 15 functions or signaling pathways associated with each term; (D) Venn diagram of neurodegenerative disease-related pathways. Genes involved in multiple neurogenerative pathways are shown in red; (E) The expression levels of mitochondrial mRNAs in pooled plasma sEVs. The data are represented as the means ± SEM. ****P < 0.0001. sEVs: Small extracellular vesicles; NTG: normal tension glaucoma; GO: Gene Ontology; KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes.

Extracellular Vesicles and Circulating Nucleic Acids
ISSN 2767-6641 (Online)
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