Figure 2. Protein network analysis of proteins shared by mTau and mPS1 EVs. (A) Shared biological pathways of mTau and mPS1 EV proteomes. Shared proteins of mTau and mTPS1 EVs[24,25] were assessed for functional biological pathways by GO analysis using FDR significance levels of < 0.05. In fact, highly significant FDRs are indicated of 10-24 to 10-28; (B) Hub proteins of interaction networks. Protein components of hubs of protein interaction networks of groups 1-3 are listed. Functions of these proteins are provided in Supplementary Table 2; (C) STRING-db protein interaction networks of proteins shared by mTau and mPS1 EVs. Interaction utilized scores set to high confidence (0.7 on a scale of 0-1) that predicted interactions exist among the proteins illustrated. EVs: extracellular vesicles.