
Figure 2. Plasma levels of CD147+ sEVs are clinically relevant. (A-F) The bivariate dot plots of CD9(A, D), CD63(B, E) and CD147(C, F) FITC fluorescence (y-axis) vs. SS-A (x-axis) for sEVs isolated from plasmas of in HD (A-C) and HCC patients (D-F); (G) The ratios of CD9+ sEVs vs. total sEVs (CD9+/total) were not significantly different between HD and HCC groups; (H) The ratios of CD63+ sEVs vs. total sEVs (CD63+/total) were not significantly different between HD and HCC groups; (I) The ratios of CD147+ sEVs vs. total sEVs (CD147+/total) were significantly different between HD and HCC groups; (J-L): (J) The bivariate dot plots of CD147 FITC fluorescence (y-axis) vs. SSC (x-axis) for sEVs isolated from plasmas of HD; (K) LC patients; (L) HCC patients; (M) The ratios of CD147+ sEVs vs. total sEVs (CD147+/total) were significantly different between HD and LC/HCC groups; (N) The changes in the ratio of CD147+/total sEVs were significant between BCLC stages; (O) The ratio of CD147+/total sEVs in the plasma of HCC patients (n = 19) before (pre-operation) and 7-10 days after (post-operation) surgical removal of the tumors. ns: not significant; **: P < 0.01; ***: P < 0.001; ****: P < 0.0001; HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; CD147+ sEVs: CD147-positive small extracellular vesicles; HD: healthy donors; LC: Liver cirrhosis; BCLC: Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer.