
Figure 8. MRI tracking of magneto-EV accumulation in the IR heart. (A) Schematic illustration of the experimental myocardial infarction mouse model and MRI acquisition. (B) Macrophotograph of the heart with the IR region (arrow). (C) Sagittal in vivo MR images of the heart. Yellow box indicates the slice position of the short-axis view. Short-axis pre- and post-injection in vivo T2*w images (D) and enhancement maps, defined as ∆T2*w = T2*w (post)-T2*w (pre) (E) showing hypointense areas in the injured region around the apex of the heart. (F) Ex vivo heart MR image showing higher accumulation of magneto-EVs (red arrow) in injury region than that of SPIO-His. The measured percentages of hypointense area in the myocardium of mice that received magneto-EVs or SPIO-His are shown on the right. A total of 12 ex vivo MRI image slices were analyzed for three mice in each group. ****P < 0.0001, unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test. (G) 3D reconstruction showing the distribution of magneto-EVs in the hearts. (H) Prussian blue staining of the injured heart (Left: whole heart of axial view; Right: zoom-in of sections 1-3). Reprinted with permission from[18].