
Figure 1. Biosynthesis and molecular functions of circRNAs. CircRNAs are generated by three different mechanisms of back-splicing (via lariat formation, intron pairing or RNA binding proteins). Resultant circRNAs can be formed by only exonic regions (EcircRNAs), intronic regions (IcircRNAs) or both (EIcircRNAs). circRNAs are exported into the cytoplasm in a size-mediated manner by URH49 and UAP56. Once in the cytoplasm, circRNAs will perform their functions including miRNA and protein sponging, protein scaffolding, or even translate into small functional peptides. CircRNAs will be released into the blood stream inside exosomes mediating cellular communication. Most cellular types, including tumor cells, will secrete circRNA-containing EVs. Platelets can modify its content when in contact with the tumor, including their circRNA expression profile.