
Recent advances in functionalized separators for shuttle-free and dendrite-free lithium/sodium-sulfur batteries

Figure 6. Functional separators with transition metal compounds for Li-S batteries. (A) LiPSs adsorption and catalytic effect of ACC/MnO2. (B) Preparation of PP-MWCNTs/CeO2 separators. (C) Long-term cycling profile at 1C of the Li-S cells with the Co9S8 coated separators. (D) Schematic of LiPSs adsorption of MoS2/Celgard separator. (E) Fabrication and adsorption energies of the MPQ@NP-HCNT. This figure is quoted with permission from Zuo et al.[78], Zhu et al.[79], He et al.[81], Ghazi et al.[82], and Zhang et al.[86], respectively.

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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