Figure 8. (A) Reaction pathway for KOH activation during biomass pyrolysis[147]. (Copyright 2023, Elsevier Ltd). (B)Schematic illustration of the synthesis process of DC and CAC[149] (Copyright 2022, Wiley-VCH). (C) Sodium anodic performance of AC700, CAC1300, and DC1300 with mass loading of ≈ 3 mg cm-2. CV curves of (i) AC700 and (ii) CAC1300 at the scan rate of 0.2 mV s-1. (iii) The first discharge-charge curves of AC700, CAC1300, and DC1300 at the current density of 0.1 C (30 mA g-1). (iv) Rate performance of AC700, CAC1300, and DC1300. (v) Cycling performance of AC700, CAC1300, and DC1300 at the current density of