Figure 17. (A) The typical charge/discharge profile of HC electrode and the color changes of ethanol containing 1% phenolphthalein after reaction with HC at different potentials[32] (Copyright 2023, American Chemical Society). (B) Galvanostatic discharge curves of BHCs at 50 mA/g (inset: optical photographs of electrodes at different discharge stages soaked in an ethanol solution containing phenolphthalein, numbered with Roman numerals corresponding to the discharge stage[169]) (Copyright 2022, Sichuan University and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd). (C) Typical charge/discharge curves of HCMP-CO2 and the corresponding color change of ethanol containing 1% phenolphthalein after reaction with the HCMP-CO2 electrode at different potentials[138] (Copyright 2023, Wiley-VCH).