Figure 5. (A) Schematics of montmorillonite clay-CNT hybrid fillers and SEM images of clay-CNT structures at various magnifications[127]. Reproduced from Ref.[127] with permission. Copyright 2012, American Chemical Society. (B) Migrating behavior of Li ions on PVC-s-MMT interphase and PVC electrolyte. (C) Galvanostatic cycling curves of lithium symmetrical battery utilizing the PVC, PVC-MMT, and PVC-s-MMT at the current density of 0.1 mA cm-2. (D) Rate capacity of PVC-s-MMT at different current densities. (E) Discharge/charge profiles for Li|PVC-s-MMT|LFP battery at 1 C at room temperature[129]. Reproduced from Ref.[129] with permission. Copyright 2024, American Chemical Society. (F) Schematic illustration of OMMT promoting lithium-ion migration[130]. Reproduced from Ref.[130] with permission. Copyright 2023, Wiley-VCH.