
The recent progress of single-atom catalysts on amorphous substrates for electrocatalysis

Figure 4. The impact of amorphous materials and synergistic monoatomic components on enhancing substance adsorption. STEM images of a-NiFeMo (A) and c-NiFeMo (B) after OER, respectively. Insets in (A and B) show corresponding EDX line scan profiles. (C) ΔGH* change diagrams of the OER reduction reaction on the NiFe-OOH surface models with (black line) and without (red line) O-vacancies. Reproduced with permission from Ref.[86] Copyright 2019, Wiley-VCH. (D) The scheme of the CO2RR processes in InOx NRs. Reproduced with permission from Ref.[87] Copyright 2019, Wiley-VCH. (E) Optimized structures of the intermediates for N2 adsorption and reduction on a-TiO2 and Ga SA/a-TiO2 surfaces. Reproduced with permission from Ref.[92] Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society.

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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