
Figure 13. (A) Melt-spinning/chemical dealloying synthesis, (B) SEM, (C) cycling and (D) rate performance for 50 cycles of NPCuBi and NPBi. This figure is quoted with permission from Refs.[131] Copyright 2020 Wiley-VCH. (E) SEM, (F) 1st-3rd charge/discharge curves and (G) cycling performance at 0.1 A/g of FeCo@PAZ-C. (H) galvanostatic charge/discharge curves for 1st-3rd, 50th and 100th at 0.1 A/g, (I) rate capability, and (J) long-term cyclability of ZCS@NC@C@rGO, ZCS@NC@C and ZCS@NC. This figure is quoted with permission from Ref.[132,133] Copyright 2024, 2023 Elsevier.