
Tailoring hard carbon interfaces in carbonate-based electrolytes for sodium-ion hybrid capacitors

Figure 4. Structural and surface evolution of HC125@ Co3O4 during cycling. (A) Ex situ XRD of the pristine electrode and HC125@Co3O4 electrode at different potentials during the second cycle at 0.05 A g-1 (C/D mean charge/discharge), and (B) the corresponding potential and GCD curves. Ex situ XPS spectra of (C) Co2p3/2 and (D) C1s for HC125@Co3O4 electrode in pristine, fully discharged-0.01 V and charged-3 V states during the second discharging/charging cycles at 0.05 A g−1. (E) RDF and coordination number of Na+-PF6- in the presence of HC, Co, CoO and Co3O4.

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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