Multi-layered yolk-shell design containing carbon bridge connection for alloying anodes in lithium-ion batteries
Designing a material structure that supports high-capacity and long cycle life in silicon (Si) anodes has been a long-standing challenge for advancing lithium-ion batteries. Yolk-shell design has been considered a most promising design for alleviating the volume expansion feature of Si. However, the significant void between the Si core and the outer shell limits electrical contact and the complete utilization of the Si core and deteriorates the battery performance upon cycling. In this study, we synthesized a bridged multi-layered yolk-shell (MYS) structure design via thermal decomposition of SiH4 and carbon oxidation in the air atmosphere. This MYS design features a void space to accommodate the volume expansion of the Si core. It includes a carbon bridge (CB) that connects the Si core and outmost shell containing SiOx/Si/SiOxwhich improves the electrical contact and lithiation kinetics of the Si core and addresses fundamental issues of low contact between core and shell. As a result, the CB-MYS structure exhibits a high specific capacity of 2,802.2 mAh g-1, an initial Coulombic efficiency of 90.0%, and maintains structural integrity and stable cycling performance. Hence, we believe the CB-MYS structure is a promising engineering design to enhance the performance of high-capacity alloy anodes for next-generation lithium-ion batteries.
The role of high-energy lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) in developing electric vehicles with much longer driving ranges has gained increasing prominence in energy storage technology research[1,2]. The energy density of commercial LIBs with graphite as the anode has been restricted to 200 Wh/kg owing to the limited specific capacity (372 mAh g-1), which limits the further increasing energy density and its application in high-energy LIBs[3,4]. In this context, silicon (Si) with a high theoretical gravimetric capacity of
Researchers have utilized various strategies to mitigate the volume expansion-induced challenging issues of Si anodes. For instance, reducing the size of the Si particle from micron to nano-size has been widely investigated to alleviate the volume expansion and reduce the Li+ ion diffusion path in the Si anode[8,9]. However, downsizing the Si particle increases the active surface area of Si, which promotes the parasitic reaction of Si with electrolyte, thus forming a thick and unstable SEI layer. The thick SEI layer and the formation of insulating by-products prevent Li+ diffusion and deteriorate the battery performance[10,11]. To address these issues and volume expansion features of Si, nano-structuring strategies such as constructing porous particles[12], nanowires[13], and designing Si/carbon (C) composites[14-16] have been successfully investigated. Graphite and Si are physically blended to produce Si-C composite anodes. Nevertheless, the restricted buffering effect cannot entirely compensate for the volume expansion of Si and direct interaction with the electrolyte leads to interface instability. To address this, Ryu et al. reported a molecular-level mixed Si-C composite anode, synthesized via heat pyrolysis of silane and subsequent mechanical milling. During cycling, electrochemical dissociation and reclustering of disordered Si-C bonds occur and the compact Si architecture inhibits detrimental electrochemical aggregation and direct interaction with the liquid electrolyte, hence stabilizing surfaces. Despite lacking extra void spaces for Si expansion, the Si-C composites developed here exhibited reduced electrode swelling, meeting practical standards while extending battery cycle life[17].
The core-shell design with rigid surface coating on Si particles has been widely used to alleviate the volume expansion of Si and minimize the parasitic reaction with organic electrolytes[18-22]. For instance, Yu et al. demonstrated that TiN functioned as a selective blocking layer exhibiting high conductivity and specific selectivity for fluoride anions on the Si surface, successfully inhibiting fluoride anion infiltration. This protective layer significantly reduces the side reaction rate by a factor of 1,700 and the SEI thickness by a factor of four. The Si@TiN core-shell anode exhibits a high lithium-ion diffusion coefficient and a very low Coulombic inefficiency of merely 0.01% per cycle in the slow decay phase at a current density of 0.5 A g-1. However, the structural integrity of Si was not maintained due to the rigidness of the coating layer, which continuously breaks during the volume expansion[23].
Yolk-shell designs with void space have been spotlighted as a viable engineering design, which offers enough space to accommodate the Si volume expansion. For instance, Liu et al. reported that the yolk-shell design of Si@void@C exhibited high cycle stability and the in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis revealed that the well-defined void space allows the Si particles to expand without breaking the carbon shell, maintains the electrical contact, and helps stabilize the SEI layer[24]. Moreover, the advantages and effectiveness of the yolk-shell design in achieving high performance using Si anodes have been confirmed in many subsequent literature reports[25-27]. Recently, Du et al. developed a distinctive ternary composite anode material (Si/Cr2O3/C), whereby Si nanoparticles (SiNPs) are encapsulated within
Herein, we propose the synthesis of a carbon bridged (CB) multi-layered yolk-shell (MYS) structure with Si yolk, void space, rigid outer multishell containing SiOx/Si/SiOx, and the carbon connecting bridge between SiNP yolk and outmost shell via thermal decomposition of SiH4 gases followed by carbon oxidation under the air atmosphere. The material design in this study provides several attractive advantages. First, the CB connecting the SiNPs and SiOx/Si/SiOx shells gives high electric and ionic conductivity and addresses fundamental issues of low point-to-point contact between the outer SiOx/Si/SiOxmultishell and Si particle in the yolk-shell structure. Second, systemically designed void space helps to accommodate the volume expansion of SiNPs. Third, the SiOx/Si/SiOxmultishell acts as a protective layer to minimize the direct interaction of organic electrolytes with the Si surface, stabilizing the SEI layer and preventing undesired
Synthesis of CB-MYS
First, we synthesized carbon-coated SiNP (SiNP@C) through a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. The CVD method was selected for Si and C coating because it produces uniform, thin, high-quality coatings with excellent adhesion. The commercial SiNPs were loaded into the customized stainless steel (SUS)-tube furnace, and high-purity N2 balanced/10 mol% acetylene gas (C2H2) flowed into the tube furnace at 900 °C with a flow rate of 0.05 L min-1 for 60 and 120 min to form a thin and thick carbon coating layer on the Si, respectively. Then, Si coating on SiNP@C to form a MYS structure of SiNP@C@Si was performed by flowing the high-purity silane gas (SiH4, 99.9%) into the same CVD furnace at 475 °C with a flow rate of 0.1 L min-1 for 60 min. The thermal decomposition of SiH4 gas forms a uniform and thin Si coating layer. Then, a CB MYS design (CB-MYS) was obtained through thermal etching of the carbon layer in the air atmosphere. The obtained SiNP@C@Si sample was calcinated in a tube furnace under the air atmosphere at 600 °C, 700 °C, 800 °C, and 900 °C to perform thermal etching. The partial and complete oxidation of the carbon shell forms the MYS structure with a CB and well-defined void space, respectively. In addition, the calcination step in the air atmosphere also performs the Si surface oxidation from the SiOx layer on the Si surface with different thicknesses depending on the calcination temperature, thus forming the outer shell with SiOx/Si/SiOxconfiguration.
Material characterization
The structural and morphological features of the synthesized materials were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM, Verios 460, FEI), high-resolution TEM (HR-TEM, Helios 450HP, FEI), and
Electrochemical characterization
The half-cell electrochemical performance of the obtained samples was investigated by preparing the electrode slurry consisting of active material (SiNP, SiNP@C@Si, CB-MYS 600, CB-MYS 700, and MYS 800), binder [Styrene Butadiene Rubber-SBR (Zeon), Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose-CMC (Nippon paper)], and conductive agent (Super P, TIMCAL) in a mass ratio of 90:2.5:2.5:5. The obtained electrode slurry was cast on the copper foil (Cu) collect collecter with a mass loading in the range of 1.0~1.5 mg cm-2 and dried in the vacuum oven at 80 °C for 12 h to remove the solvent. Then, the electrode foil was calendered between SS plates to maximize the electrode density. The CB-MYS 600/Gra sample was prepared for the practical demonstration by blending the 10 wt% of CB-MYS 600 and 90 wt% of commercial graphite using a ball mill. The 10 wt% CB-MYS 600 electrode slurry was prepared by a similar procedure described earlier. For rate rest comparison, SiNP/Gra and MYS800/Gra electrodes were prepared with similar conditions. Then, the CR-2023-coin cell was assembled for the half-cell test inside the glove box, where oxygen (O2) and moisture (H2O) levels were maintained under 0.5 ppm. Lithium metal foil (Honjo metal) and microporous polyethylene (20 μm, celgard) were used as the counter electrode and separator during the cell assembly. The half-cell electrochemical performance was investigated in the working potential between 0.01 V and 1.5 V at 0.5 C-rate using a battery cycler (TOYO SYSTEM). In this study, all the electrochemical experiments were conducted in temperature-controlled isothermal chambers.
The synthesis of CB-MYS and MYS structure was achieved through a CVD process by using various gases (SiH4, C2H2) with subsequent calcination in the air atmosphere, as depicted in Figure 1A. Initially, SiNPs were loaded onto a tube furnace, and carbon coating on the SiNPs was conducted by using C2H2 at 900 °C to produce the SiNP@C. Notably, primary SiNP particles build up the secondary particles during this excessive carbon coating synthesis. Then, the Si@C@SiNP design was achieved via the thermal decomposition of SiH4 in which the Si nano-layer is coated on the SiNP@C at 475 °C. Carbon oxidation was conducted by blowing air into the furnace at 600 °C and 800 °C. At 600 °C, the carbon layer can be partially oxidized, which leads to the formation of the void space to accommodate the volume expansion of SiNPs. Interestingly, the partial oxidation of the carbon layer resulted in a CB, which electrically connects SiNPs and outer SiOx/Si/SiOx shells. At 800 °C, the carbon layer oxidized completely, forming a void space without a CB between the Si core and SiOx/Si/SiOx shells. The distinct functions of each part, including the Si inner layer, SiOx outer layer, CB, void space, and secondary particle, are illustrated in Figure 1B.
Figure 1. Schematic of fabrication and characteristics of the multi-layered yolk-shell (MYS). (A) Schematic of the fabrication process for the MYS; (B) Cross-sectional schematic view showing the detailed structural characteristics of the Carbon bridge (CB) MYS; SEM images of (C) SiNP; (D) SiNP@C; (E) SiNP@C@Si; and (F) CB-MYS. SEM: Scanning electron microscopy.
To investigate the successful formation of the CB-MYS design and its structural integrity, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis was performed [Figure 1C-F]. We used the commercial SiNPs as starting materials with a diameter of 50 nm, and homogenously distributed primary SiNPs on the Si wafer substrate were observed, as shown in Figure 1C. The CVD-assisted carbon coating was carried out to produce the carbon sacrificial template for creating the void space and CB, and the carbon content and thickness of the coating layer were controlled through the CVD time. There are several reasons for adopting the CVD method for carbon and Si coating in this study. First, void space with a constant gap between the SiNP yolk and the outer shell layer is a prerequisite for the yolk-shell structure. Thus, it is necessary to have a conformal and uniform sacrificial carbon template layer on the surface of SiNPs[31-33]. Compared with a solution-based coating such as sol-gel, uniform and thin layer coating can be realized through the
Figure 2. Investigating the size and morphology according to carbon coating. Top-view of the SEM images of (A and B) SiNPs; (C and D) SiNP@C; and (E and F) SiNP@EC; (G) The comparison of primary particle size of each SiNP, SiNP@C, and SiNP@EC; (H) The simple mathematical calculation of 300% volumetric expanded primary particle size of SiNP. SEM: Scanning electron microscopy.
To fabricate the CB-MYS, carbon oxidation of SiNP@C@Si was conducted at a different temperature range from 600 °C to 900 °C. The temperature range was chosen with consideration of carbon oxidation temperature (> 500 °C) and silicon oxidation temperature (> 700 °C). The weight ratio of the SiNP@C@Si showed a decreasing trend until reaching 700 °C and then increased until 900 °C, indicating that carbon oxidation was predominant until 700 °C and Si oxidation was predominant above 700 °C [Figure 3A]. Consequently, as shown in SEM images of Supplementary Figure 1, the samples calcined at 600 °C and
Figure 3. Characteristic change according to heat treatment temperature. (A) The weight ratio of the SiNP@C@Si started to decrease until 700 °C and then increased until 900 °C; TEM images of (B-D) SiNP@C@Si; (E-G) 600 °C; (H-J) 700 °C and (K-M) 800 °C. TEM: Transmission electron microscopy.
To further investigate the structure of CB-MYS, we used TEM to observe the morphology of SiNP@C@Si and different temperature calcined samples. As shown in Figure 3B-D, a carbon layer with a thickness of 30~50 nm is observed in between the crystalline SiNP yolk and the outer amorphous Si shell (~20nm) for the SiNP@C@Si. These observations are well-matched with SEM results of Si@C. Notably, we observed the presence of a CB and void space between the SiNP yolk and Si shells for the sample calcined at 600 oC, which originates from the partial oxidation of the carbon layer at 600 °C [Figure 3E-G]. This partial oxidation leaves the residue carbon network, which bridges the core and shell. When the calcination temperature was increased to 700 oC, increased carbon oxidation was observed, which reduced the connections between the core and outer shell, leading to low electronic conductivity, resulting in a typical yolk-shell structure [Figure 3H-J]. Consequently, we observed a complete yolk shell for the 800 oC owing to the complete oxidation of the carbon interlayer due to the high temperature. The complete oxidation process causes complete degradation of the bridge connection, leading to the formation of well-defined void space between the Si yolk and outer shell [Figure 3K-M]. In addition, the high temperature leads to the formation of a thick SiOx (0 < x < 2) layer with a thickness of > 3 nm on both surfaces of SiNP yolk and shells during carbon oxidation, which leads to gravimetric capacity loss and low electric and ionic conductivity[40]. As a result, we believe that the carbon oxidation temperature of 600 °C is more suitable for designing the CB-MYS structure with the proper amount of void space and CB to accommodate the volume expansion of Si and enhance the electronic and ionic transport between the shell and yolk. From this point forward, samples calcined at 600 °C, 700 °C, and 800 °C will be designated as CB-MYS-600, CB-MYS-700, and MYS-800, respectively.
To further validate the existence of crystalline and amorphous Si in CB-MYS 600, XRD analysis was performed [Supplementary Figure 2A]. The existence of well-defined XRD peaks confirmed the existence of crystalline Si and the observed broad peak indicates the presence of amorphous Si which coincided with TEM analysis results. To further validate the structural design features of CB-MYS, the cross-sectional SEM analysis of SiNP@C@Si, CB-MYS 600, and MYS 800 samples after the focused ion beam (FIB) process was investigated [Figure 1E and F, Supplementary Figure 2B]. We observed that the carbon layer fully occupied the space between the Si yolk and the outer shell in SiNP@C@Si. In contrast, an empty void space was observed between the Si yolk and the outer shell layer for the MYS 800, owing to the complete oxidation of carbon at 800 °C. Interestingly, we observed the existence of a CB and partial void space between SiNP yolk and Si outer shells for the CB-MYS 600. As a result, we expect that both CB and void space could improve the overall electrochemical performance of CB-MYS 600.
To verify the favorable effect of the CB-MYS 600, we investigated the electrochemical performance of each sample (SiNP@C@Si, CB-MYS 600, CB-MYS 700, and MYS 800) using a coin-type half-cell at 25 °C. The obtained voltage profiles of the initial cycle of each sample are shown in Figure 4A. The observed specific capacity and Initial CE (ICE) of each sample are depicted in Figure 4B. The observed increasing trend in the specific capacity value for the CB-MYS 600 and CB-MYS 700 sample can be attributed to the increasing the specific surface area of void space caused by the increase in the carbon oxidation, which leads to formation of a substantial amount of SEI. Further, increased carbon oxidation temperature (MYS 800) displayed a lower specific capacity than other samples due to an excess SiOx layer formation on the Si surface at high temperatures[41]. The observed ICE values of SiNP@C@Si, CB-MYS 600, CB-MYS 700, and MYS 800 are 91.7%, 90.0%, 89.1%, and 87.5%, respectively. It is observed that the ICE values showed a decreasing trend as the carbon oxidation increased. This observed feature could be ascribed to excessive SiOx layer formation on the Si surface, which consumes more Li+ ions during the first cycle and leads to the formation of irreversible and electrochemically inactive by-products such as Li2O and Li4SiO4 on the Si surface[42].
Figure 4. Electrochemical characterization of various anodes: (A) Voltage profiles of SiNP@C@Si, CB-MYS 600, CB-MYS 700, and MYS 800; (B) Specific capacity of SiNP@C@Si, CB-MYS 600, CB-MYS 700, and MYS 800 and their initial Coulombic efficiency; (C) Voltage profiles of SiNP; (D) Discharging capacity retentions of SiNP, SiNP@C@Si, CB-MYS 600, CB-MYS 700, and MYS 800; (E) Voltage profile of the composite containing graphite blended with 10 wt% CB-MYS 600; (F) Discharge capacity of graphite blended with 10 wt% CB-MYS 600. CB: Carbon bridged; MYS: multi-layered yolk-shell.
To substantiate the cycling performance of CB-MYS, we also prepared SiNP as a reference sample and compared it to SiNP@C@Si, CB-MYS 600, CB-MYS 700, and MYS 800 [Figure 4C and D]. In this context, the initial CE of SiNP was 81.4%, significantly lower than that of SiNP@C@Si and other MYS samples. This phenomenon can be attributed to the fact that MYS consists of secondary particles with a relatively low specific surface area. In contrast, SiNP exhibits a high specific surface area, which consumes more active Li+ ions during SEI formation. Further, we observed all of the treated samples (SiNP@C@Si, CB-MYS 600,
Figure 5. Cross-sectional SEM images for electrode changes before and after. Electrode thickness changes of (A and B) SiNP and (C and D) CB-MYS 600 before and after 50 cycles; Cross-sectional SEM images of (E) SiNP and (F) CB-MYS 600 after 50 cycles. CB: Carbon bridged; MYS: multi-layered yolk-shell; SEM: scanning electron microscopy.
Further, to verify the structural stability of the composite electrode, SEM analysis was performed before and after cycles for the composite electrode and the SEM images showed almost similar morphology before and after 50 cycles which validates the structural integrity of the composite electrode [Supplementary Figure 5]. Additionally, to verify the long-term cycle stability and structural integrity of the CB-MYS 600, post-cycling analysis was conducted to observe the changes in morphology and thickness after 50 cycles using cross-sectional SEM images. We observed vast changes in the thickness of the SiNP electrode after 50 cycles
In summary, we successfully synthesized a bridged MYS structure design via thermal decomposition of SiH4 and carbon oxidation in the air atmosphere. The SEM and TEM investigation results have confirmed that the MYS consists of void space for accommodating the volume expansion of the Si core and the presence of a CB for connecting the Si yolk and outmost shell containing SiOx/Si/SiOx to improve the lithiation kinetics of Si yolk and maintain the electrical contact. As a result, we observed improved electrochemical performance for the CB-MYS structure with a high specific capacity of 2,802.2 mAh g-1, an initial CE of 90.0%, and maintained particle integrity and stable cycling performance without any significant changes change in the electrode thickness after 50 cycles. Therefore, we highlighted that designing the CB-MYS structure is a promising way to enhance the Si anode performance for the application in next-generation LIBs.
Author’s contribution
Conceptualization, methodology, writing-original draft: Kim, D.; Jayasubramaniyan, S.
Methodology, investigation, validation, formal analysis: Kim, S.; Kim, J.; Ko, M.
Investigation, validation, writing-review and editing: Kim, T.; Yu, H.; Ahn, H. J.; Cho, K. K.
Validation, funding acquisition, supervision, writing-review and editing: Nam, S. Y.; Reddy, N. S.; Sung, J.
Availability of data and materials
The data are available upon request from the authors.
Financial support and sponsorship
This research was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), funded by the Ministry of Education (2020R1A6A03038697). This work was supported by the NRF grant funded by the government of Korea (MSIT) (IRIS RS-2024-00352303). This work was supported by the Technology Innovation Program (RS-2024-00432013) funded By the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE, South Korea). This research was supported by Learning & Academic research institution for Master’s·PhD students, and Postdocs (LAMP) Program of the NRF grant funded by the Ministry of Education (No. RS-2023-00301974).
Conflicts of interest
All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.
Ethical approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
© The Author(s) 2025
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Kim, D.; Jayasubramaniyan, S.; Kim, S.; Kim, J.; Ko, M.; Kim, T.; Yu, H.; Ahn, H. J.; Cho, K. K.; Nam, S. Y.; Reddy, N. S.; Sung, J. Multi-layered yolk-shell design containing carbon bridge connection for alloying anodes in lithium-ion batteries. Energy Mater. 2025, 5, 500072.
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