
Figure 9. (A) Rate of C2+ production on Au-Cu and Cu electrodes; (B) Dependence of the molar ratio of C2+ alcohols to hydrocarbons and of (C) alcohols to (CO + > 2e- products) on Au-Cu and Cu as a function of potential; (D) Diagram depicting phase transformation and structural reconstruction of Au-Cu during the CO2RR process. This figure is quoted with permission from Zhu et al. Copyright (2022) Elsevier[115]; (E) Total current density of Cu, Au@Cu core-shell, and Au-Cu Janus electrocatalysts; (F) FEC2+ of three different catalysts. (G) Comparison of optimal FEC2+ obtained by using Au@Cu core-shell, Au-Cu Janus, and Cu NPs; (H) jC2+ of Au@Cu