
Development of catalysts and reactor designs for CO<sub>2</sub> electroreduction towards C<sub>2+</sub> products

Figure 10. (A) Fabrication of CoTPP-Cu2O@CM NWs array; (B) FEC2+ of CoTPP-Cu2O@CM, Cu2O@CM, CoTPP-CM, and Cu mesh; (C) jC2+ of CoTPP-Cu2O@CM, Cu2O@CM, CoTPP-CM, and Cu mesh; (D) Stability test of CoTPP-Cu2O@CM for 15 h. This figure is quoted with permission from Min et al. Copyright (2024) John Wiley and Sons[123]; (E) Graphic representation of PTF(Ni)/Cu; (F) Total current densities on PTF(Ni)/Cu and PTF/Cu catalysts; (G) FEs for the production of C2H4 and CH4 on PTF(Ni)/Cu and PTF/Cu catalysts at different potentials; (H) jC2H4 of PTF(Ni)/Cu. This figure is quoted with permission from Meng et al. Copyright (2021) John Wiley and Sons[128]. CoTPP: cobalt(II) tetraphenylporphyrin; PTF: porphyritic triazine framework.

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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