
Electrospun fiber-based electrodes materials for flexible lithium-ion batteries

Figure 5. (A) The schematic diagram and tensile tests of the stretchable Li-ion full cell assembled with SnO2/C nanofiber anode, LFP/C nanofiber cathode and a stretchable gel polymer electrolyte. (B) The potential curves of the stretchable Li-ion full cell with various stretching ratios. (C) The cycle stability of the stretchable Li-ion full cell with various stretching ratios[62]. Copyright 2020, Wiley. (D) The in-situ polymerization of polymer precursor solution in the cross-linked skeleton composed of NCM nanoparticles. (E) The charge-discharge curves of the flexible Li-ion pouch cell and nail penetration and cutting tests of flexible Li-ion pouch cell[75]. Copyright 2022 Elsevier.

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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