
N/S co-doping design promising coal pitch derived carbon nanofibers toward advanced all-carbon potassium ion hybrid capacitors

Figure 2. (A) XRD patterns; (B) Raman spectra; (C) enlarged view of the Raman region of N/S-CNFs; High-resolution XPS spectra of (D) C 1s; (E) S 2p and (F) N 1s for N/S-CNF-700; (G) FT-IR spectra of N/S-CNF-700 and CNF-700; (H) N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms and (I) pore size distribution plots of N/S-CNFs and CNF-700 as indicated. XRD: X-ray diffraction; N/S-CNFs: N/S co-doped carbon nanofibers; XPS: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; FT-IR: fourier transform infrared.

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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