
Challenges and strategies in catalysts design towards efficient and durable alkaline seawater electrolysis for green hydrogen production

Figure 6. (A) Schematic of an asymmetric electrolyzer using NaCl and NaOH as catholyte and anolyte, respectively. (B) Voltage-current relationship comparison between symmetric and asymmetric electrolyte configurations and (C) the long-term performance of the asymmetric electrolyzer. (A-C) This figure is quoted with permission from Shi et al. Copyright (2023) Springer Nature[87]. (D) Pourbaix diagram illustrating the competition between OER, ClER, and HzOR. (E) Comparison of different anode behavior of HSE and ASE. (F) Schematic of a renewable energy-powered HSE system utilizing seawater and industrial hydrazine wastewater as feeds. (G) Efficiency comparison of various types of HSE and ASE and (H) stability comparison under high current densities. (D-H) This figure is quoted with permission from Sun et al. Copyright (2021) Springer Nature[89]. (I) Membrane-assisted electrolyzer design featuring a breathable, waterproof membrane that allows water vapor transport while preventing ionic contamination. (I) This figure is quoted with permission from Xie et al. Copyright (2022) Springer Nature[77].

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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