
Figure 6. (A) Schematic of an asymmetric electrolyzer using NaCl and NaOH as catholyte and anolyte, respectively. (B) Voltage-current relationship comparison between symmetric and asymmetric electrolyte configurations and (C) the long-term performance of the asymmetric electrolyzer. (A-C) This figure is quoted with permission from Shi et al. Copyright (2023) Springer Nature[87]. (D) Pourbaix diagram illustrating the competition between OER, ClER, and HzOR. (E) Comparison of different anode behavior of HSE and ASE. (F) Schematic of a renewable energy-powered HSE system utilizing seawater and industrial hydrazine wastewater as feeds. (G) Efficiency comparison of various types of HSE and ASE and (H) stability comparison under high current densities. (D-H) This figure is quoted with permission from Sun et al. Copyright (2021) Springer Nature[89]. (I) Membrane-assisted electrolyzer design featuring a breathable, waterproof membrane that allows water vapor transport while preventing ionic contamination. (I) This figure is quoted with permission from Xie et al. Copyright (2022) Springer Nature[77].