
Figure 3. Plating/stripping performance of Li||Li cells with supported QSPEs, at room temperature and with plating/stripping capacity of 2 mAh cm-2. (A) Galvanostatic cycling of a Li|QSPE-2|Li cell, with 500 µm-thick Li electrodes; (B) Galvanostatic cycling of a Li-Cu|QSPE-2|Li-Cu cell, with thin Li-Cu electrodes; (C) Galvanostatic cycling of a Li-Cu|QSPE-3|Li-Cu cell, with thin Li-Cu electrodes; (D) voltage vs. capacity profile at different C-rates of a Li|QSPE-2|Li cell with 500 µm-thick Li electrodes (fifth cycle at each C-rate); (E) voltage vs. capacity profile at different C-rates of a Li-Cu|QSPE-2|Li-Cu cell (fifth cycle at each C-rate); (F) average plateau voltage vs. current density, with different cell configurations. The dashed lines represent the interpolation of the experimental points, and the slope was used to estimate the internal cell resistance in steady-state conditions.