
Printable high-performance iontronic power source based on osmotic effects

Figure 2. (A) VOC of the iontronic power source at 60% relative humidity; (B) The I-V characteristic curve of the Ag/AgNO3-GO/KOH-rGO/Al power system; (C) The areal power density output of the iontronic power source without an external load resistance; (D) The discharge curve of the iontronic power source at a constant current of 1 μA; (E) Optical images of the GO/AgNO3 at the cathode of the power source. The photos were taken before discharge (left) and after discharge (right); (F) The constant current discharge curve of the iontronic power source at 1 μA; (G) The charge-discharge cycle stability and coulombic efficiency of the iontronic power source system at 1 μA. GO: Graphene oxide; rGO: reduced GO; Ag: silver; Al: aluminum.

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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