
Figure 7. Electrolyte additives regulating the ion transport of ZIBs. (A) Relationship between the additive concentration and the velocity and conductivity of the electrolyte[79]. Copyright 2022 John Wiley & Sons. (B) DFT calculations reveal an adsorption energy of -2.97 eV between β-CD and ClO4-. (C) IGM analysis of the β-CD@ClO4 complex showcasing blue for electrostatic interactions (such as hydrogen bonding), green for van der Waals interactions, and red for steric effects[80]. Copyright 2022 John Wiley & Sons. (D) Illustration depicting the formation process of TPPS aggregates in the electrolytes. Zn2+ transference numbers in electrolytes with varying concentrations of (E) TPPS and (F) ZnSO4. (G) Charge densities of different anions. Reproduced with permission from Ref.[85]. Copyright 2024 John Wiley & Sons.