
Novel “sandwich” configuration with ALD-coating layers on electrode/electrolyte interfaces for durable all-solid-state lithium metal batteries with high-voltage cathodes

Figure 1. Structure of the proposed dual interface design in ASSBs. (A) Schematic representation of a “sandwich” dual protection on LMA and NCM811 cathode. (B) SEM image of the alucone coated NCM811 cathode. (C) SEM image (i) and EDS mapping of the alucone coating on LMA: Al element (ii) and O element (iii). (D) Schematics of LLZO/PEO/ LiTFSI film made of PEO, LLZO and LiTFSI. (E) Fabricated LLZO/PEO/LiTFSI film with a diameter of 18 mm.

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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