
Unlocking the potential of liquid crystals as phase change materials for thermal energy storage

Figure 3. Liquid crystals and their mesophases. (A) Geometrical shapes of the building blocks of LCs that for different phases with temperature; rod-shaped, 4-cyano-4′-pentylbiphenyl (5CB); disc-shaped, benzene-hexa-n-alkanoate derivative; banana-shapes or bent-core, 1,3-phenylene bis(4-(4-ethoxyphenyl) diazenyl) benzoate. Reprinted from ref.[65], with permission from John Wiley and Sons. (B) Nematic to isotropic phase transition in rod-shaped 5CB LC when viewed between crossed polarizers. Snapshots of the video posted on YouTube ( (C) Typical phase textures of LC samples prepared on untreated glass slides viewed between crossed polarizers using a polarizing optical microscope. Reprinted from ref.[65] under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY license.

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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