
Figure 5. Electrochemical performances of HATN-COF//AC AHC. (A) Schematic illustrations of AHC construction; (B) CV curves at 10 mV s-1 of the HATN-COF and AC serving as positive and negative electrodes, respectively, within a three-electrode configuration utilizing 6 M KOH electrolyte; (C) CV curves of HATN-COF//AC at diverse scan rates; (D) GCD curves of HATN-COF//AC system at various current densities; (E) Ragone plots comparing the energy- and power-density of assembled device with other materials reported in literature; (F) Cycling stability performance. HATN: Hexaazatrinaphthylene; COF: Covalent organic frameworks; CV: Cyclic voltammograms; AHCs: Aqueous hybrid supercapacitors; GCD: Galvanostatic charge-discharge; AC: Activated carbon.