
Optimization strategies for high-performance aqueous zinc-sulfur batteries: challenges and future perspectives

Figure 9. (A) Energy storage paradigms of various battery technologies. (B) Schematic illustration of the reaction processes in an electrode-electrolyte co-energy storage cell. (C) Schematic illustration of the Zn//S@HCS alkaline-acid decoupled cell. (A-C) were cited with permission from He et al.[105] Reproduction rights 2024, Wiley. (D) Reaction mechanism of the decoupled battery. (E) CV curves of S/Cu2S and Zn/Zn(OH)42-. (F) The GCD plots of the S@KB cathode. (D-F) were cited with permission from Zhang et al.[10] Reproduction rights 2023, Wiley. (G) The GCD charts of the AZSBs. (H) Electrochemical properties of the Zn-S battery. (G and H) were cited with permission from Amiri et al.[106] Reproduction rights 2023, Royal Society of Chemistry.

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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