
Figure 7. (A) Diagram illustration of ZnS function (B) Illustration of the catalytic mechanism of iodide ions. (A and B) were cited with permission from Hei et al.[72] Reproduction rights 2024, Wiley. (C) Reaction mechanism of sulfur in the R4N+I-. (D) GCD tests of AZSBs with Zn(CH3COO)2/Me3PhN+I- electrolyte. (C and D) were cited with permission from Wu et al.[69] Reproduction rights 2023, Royal Society of Chemistry. (E) Redox mechanism of TU during discharging and charging. (F and G) The GCD plots (F) without TU. (G) in TU. (E-G) were cited with permission from Chang et al.[36] Reproduction rights 2022, Elsevier. (H) Mechanism of PEG’s influence. (I) 1H NMR spectra of various electrolytes. (J) GCD curves. (K) Long-cycle performance of the AZSBs at 1 A g-1. (H-K) were cited with permission from Zhou et al.[62] Reproduction rights 2022, Elsevier.