
Figure 2. Electrochemical performance of Mg20Bi alloy anodes with different SSEs. (A) Long-term cycling curves of Mg20Bi alloy anodes with MBN and MBN-Br for a symmetric cell at 0.1 mA cm-2. Enlargements show the detailed voltage plateau of Mg stripping/plating at a selected duration. Nyquist plots of the Mg20Bi | SSEs | Mg20Bi symmetric cell; SSEs (B) MBN and (C) MBN-Br. All measurements are conducted at T = 50 °C. SSEs: Solid-state electrolytes; MBN: Mg(BH4)2·1.9NH3; MBN-Br: Mg(BH4)2·1.9NH3-32 wt.% MgBr2·2NH3.