From: Structures, performances and applications of green biomass derived carbon in lithium-ion batteries
Figure 2. (A) Structure schematics of RGO- and RGO-KH560-coated LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 particles; (B and C) SEM images of RKNCM1 particles; (D and E) SEM images of RGO-NCM particles; (F and G) SEM images of NCM particles; (H) Cycling performance at room temperature of RKNCM1, RGO-NCM and NCM particles; (I) Cycling performance at 55 °C of RKNCM1, RGO-NCM and NCM particles; (J) Rate performance of RKNCM1, RGO-NCM and NCM particles. These figures are quoted with permission from Yang et al.[51].