From: Recent advances in alloying anode materials for sodium-ion batteries: material design and prospects

Figure 13. (A) Cycling behavior of GeP anode. (B) Morphology and structural changes in GeP: (a-c) before sodiation and (d-f) after sodiation via TEM, HR-TEM, and SAED. (C) Structural evolution of the GeP nanoflake during sodiation recorded by SAED patterns. (a) GeP crystal before sodiation, (b and c) Na+ intercalation into the GeP lattice with the gradual increase in d-spacing (001), (d) Formation of NaGe3P3 intermediate phase, and (e and f) Amorphous Na-Ge and Na-P alloys. Reproduced with permission from[170]. Copyright © 2019 Elsevier.