
Recent progress in MXenes-based lithium-sulfur batteries

Figure 11. (A) Scheme for synthesis of layered Li-rGO/Ti3C2Tx composite anode. (B) Cycling performance of symmetric batteries based on Li-rGO/Ti3C2Tx and bare Li electrodes under 10 mA cm-2/3 mAh cm-2. (C) Cycling performance of LSBs based on bare Li metal and Li-rGO/Ti3C2Tx anodes at 1 C. Reproduced from Ref.[120] with permission from WILEY-VCH. (D) Schematic diagram of preparation process of LSB dual electrodes based on 3DP N-pTi3C2Tx framework. (E) Cyclic performance of symmetric cells at 5.0 mA cm-2/5.0 mAh cm-2. Inset: the selective voltage-time profiles for corresponding symmetric cells. (F) Rate performance of 3DP N-pTi3C2Tx/S||3DPN-pTi3C2Tx@Li lithium-sulfur full battery. Inset: LSB full cell powering a red LED indicator (E/S ratio: 9 μL mg-1). (G) Cyclic life of 3DP N-pTi3C2Tx/S||3DP N-pTi3C2Tx@Li LSB full cells at 0.1 C at different sulfur loadings (E/S ratio: 5 μL mg-1). Reproduced from Ref.[121] with permission from Elsevier.

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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