
Figure 3. (A) Schematic image of the synthesis process for CoFe LDH and its cell composition for NitRR. (B) Reaction-free energies for *NO3, *NO2, and *NH3 on the Fe LH, Co LH, and CoFe LDH surfaces. (C) FE and NH3 selectivity of CoFe LDH according to potential. (D) The consecutive recycling test of CoFe LDH at -0.45 V (vs. RHE). (A-D) Figures are reprinted with permission from Ref.[52]. Copyright 2022 Elsevier[52]. (E) Comparison of NH3 yield rate and FE of Ni3Fe-CO3 LDH with reference materials. (F) The recycling test of Ni3Fe-CO3 LDH/Cu foam electrode at -0.2 V (vs. RHE). (G) NH3 yield rate and FE using multi-metallic TM LDH/Cu foam electrodes. (E-G) figures are reprinted with permission from Ref.[53]. Copyright 2023 The Royal Society of Chemistry[53]. (H) XRD patterns of Cu/Co/Al-HTLCs. (I) The transformation of NO3 and total nitrogen (TN) on Cu/Co/Al-HTLCs according to time at -0.74 V (vs. RHE). (H and I) Figures are reprinted with permission from Ref.[75]. Copyright 2020 MDPI[75].