
Figure 10. (A) Schematic image of the synthesis process for Fe SAC. (B) NH3 partial current density and yield rate of Fe SAC, FeNP/NC, NC. (C) NH3 FE of Fe SAC at different potentials. (D) Calculated minimum energy pathway on Fe SAC for NitRR. (E) Calculated accessible energy pathway at U = 0 and -0.3 V (vs. RHE). (A-E) Figures are reprinted with permission from Ref.[62]. Copyright 2021 Springer Nature Limited[62]. (F) The metal atoms and substrates considered for constructing the DACs on N-graphenes. (G) Calculated free energy of NitRR on Cu2/N3-6 and the involved intermediates. (H) Potential-dependent NH3 yield rate and FE of Cu2/N3-6. (F-H) Figures are reprinted with permission from Ref.[121]. Copyright 2023 Elsevier[121]. (I) HR-TEM image of ox-LIG. (J) NH3 FE and (K) ox-LIG, LIG, and rGO yield rates at different potentials. (I-K) Figures are reprinted with permission from Ref.[122]. Copyright 2023 Wiley-VCH GmbH[122].