
Figure 10. (A) Progression of formic acid oxidation on Pt during voltammetric cycling at a 20 mV s-1 scan rate (only forward scan shown). (B) Summarized peak potential, current density at the peak potential, and current density at 0.9 VRHE with respect to the cycle number. (C) C 1s spectra for the Pt film produced with a single deposition pulse, both before and after formic acid oxidation. This figure is quoted with permission from Ahn et al.[47]. (D) Schematic illustration for direct FAOR pathways through *HCOOb, *HCOOm, and *COOH intermediates and Pt@Au catalyst models. (E) Free energy diagrams of every direct FAOR pathway. (F) DFAFC performance with Pt1/Au/CP-based anodes. This figure is quoted with permission from Kim et al.[53]. (G) Raman shift of Pt-CO and C≡O corresponding to CO adsorption on DAR@Pt(n) surfaces. (H) Variations in the integrated SERS intensity for the Pt-CO (atop) bands in relation to the potential on DAR@Pt(n) substrates. This figure is quoted with permission from Jeong et al.[61].