Figure 4. (A) XRD patterns of HR-NCM and LR-NCM cathodes before and after 100 cycles and (B) the magnified patterns of 003 reflections. Cross-section SEM images of cathode electrode after 100 cycles for (C) HR-NCM and (D) LR-NCM. XPS spectra of (E) C 1s, (F) O 1s, and (G) f 1s for HR-NCM and LR-NCM cathodes after 100 cycles at 1 C. TEM and corresponding FFT images after 100 cycles at 1 C for (H) HR-NCM and (I) LR-NCM cathodes. (J) EIS curves measured at 2.7 V (in the discharged state) after 100 cycles for both cathodes.