
Figure 6. (A) Schematic of the synthesis process and corresponding SEM image of ZnSe@i-NCM@o-rGO; (B)The stress distribution in ZnSe, ZnSe@i-NMC, and ZnSe@i-NMC@o-rGO at different stages of K ion intercalation reaction and corresponding axial stress distribution and the maximum stress. This figure is quoted with permission from Ruan et al.[133]. (C) Schematic of the synthesis process of UCF@CNs@BiNs; (D) Schematics of Bi and UCF@CNs@BiNs electrode during the cycle; (E) TEM and HRTEM images of UCF@CNs@BiNs after many cycles. This figure is quoted with permission from Su et al.[138]. (F) Schematic of the synthesis process and (G) cycle performance of Sb@CNFs. This figure is quoted with permission from Huang et al.[142].