
Modulation of physical and chemical connections between SiO<sub>x</sub> and carbon for high-performance lithium-ion batteries

Figure 3. (A) CV curves and (B) voltage curves results of the SiOx/G/C electrode; (C) Rate capabilities of SiOx/G/C electrodes at different current densities compared with control groups; (D) SiOx/G/C’s charging and discharging voltage curves under different current densities; (E) SiOx/G/C’s cyclic capabilities at 1.5 A·g-1 compared with control groups; (F) Thick SiOx/G/C (~2.2 mg·cm-2) electrode’s cycling performance at 2.0 mA·cm-2; (G) SiOx/G/C’s long-term cycling performance of electrode at 1.0 A·g-1. CV: Cyclic voltammetry.

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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