From: NiFe Prussian blue analog cocatalyzed TiO2/In2S3 type-II heterojunction for solar water splitting

Figure 3. (A) LSV curves, (B) ABPE plots, (C) normalized photovoltage decay and inset OCP, (D) transient photocurrent curves and inset transient decay time (τ) curves of TiO2, TiO2/In2S3, and TiO2/In2S3/NFP. (E) PEC stability curves of TiO2/In2S3 and TiO2/In2S3/NFP photoanodes at 1.23 V vs. RHE under AM1.5G illumination. Inset: SEM images of the tested TiO2/In2S3 and TiO2/In2S3/NFP photoanodes.