
Figure 4. (A) The partially reduced graphene oxide (rGO) coated on a 3D-Cu current collector, termed rGO@3D-Cu; Thermally infused symmetric rGO@3D-Cu//rGO@3D-Cu, with baseline Cu//Cu. This figure is quoted with permission from Liu et al.[92]. (B) The fabrication of Cu3Pt-Cu mesh, the process of Galvanic replacement reaction and the 2D electron density difference maps of K adsorbed Pt, Cu, and Cu3Pt; Voltage-time profiles of K||K, K@Cu mesh||K@Cu mesh and K@Cu3Pt-Cu mesh||K@Cu3Pt-Cu mesh symmetric cells at 0.5 mA cm-2 and 1 mAh cm-2. This figure is quoted with permission from Wang et al.[93].