Figure 6. (A) Radar chart of the LIBs based on different electrolytes. conventional organic electrolytes, all-solid-state electrolytes, and quasi-solid-state electrolytes This figure is quoted with permission from Lv et al.[133]. (B) Ion transport across the phase boundary between a LE and an ISE showcasing the transport of ions across the phase boundary and the SLEI are dominant factors for the overall impedance (upper) and working principle of the 4P set-up for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements on the LE|SSE|LE cell (bottom). This figure is quoted with permission from Busche et al.[135]. (C) SEM images of (a) as-synthesized LLZT and (b) LLZT after being soaked in LE. Capacity and efficiency values of Li|LLZTO|LiFePO4 cell, employing hybrid electrolyte with n-BuLi at different current densities and room temperature. EIS results of the Li|LiFePO4 cell without (bottom, on the left) and (bottom, on the right) with n-BuLi before and after the cycling tests. Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Xu et al.[137]. Copyright (2017) American Chemical Society. (D) Illustration of lithium ion and electron fluxes inside the conventional cathode. (Top), comparison of electrochemical impedance spectra of the symmetric cell with a structure of Li|GC-LATP|Li and Li|LE|GC-LATP|LE|Li. The volume of LE is 2 µL. Charge and discharge curves and rate performance of Li|LiFePO4 employing GC LATP/LE hybrid electrolytes. This figure is quoted with permission from Wang et al.[139].