
Figure 9. (A) Tunnel structure stabilized by K+ and cycling performance of KMO and α-MnO2 at 1 A g-1. Reproduced with permission[128]. Copyright 2019, Wiley-VCH. (B) synthesis of P-MnO2-x@VMG shell/core arrays. Reproduced with permission[130]. Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH. (C) preparation and structural advantage of PANI-intercalated MnO2 nanolayers. Reproduced with permission[131]. Copyright 2018, Nature. (D) optimized structure of cw-MnO2 for Zn2+ intercalation and the corresponding relative energies. Reproduced with permission[54]. Copyright 2019, Royal Society of Chemistry. HT: hydrothermal method; TCS: