From: Design of manganese dioxide for supercapacitors and zinc-ion batteries: similarities and differences

Figure 1. Schematic illustrations of (A) SC and (B) ZIB devices. (C) publication numbers of different materials, including MXenes, TMDs, carbon, polymers and TMOs (MnO2 and RuO2), for SCs in the period from 2011 to 2022. (D) publication numbers of different cathode materials, such as TMOs (VOx and MnO2), PBAs, polymers and other materials (including carbonaceous materials, TMDs and MXenes), for ZIBs in the period from 2013 to 2022. All data were obtained from the Web of Science. EDLC: electrochemical double-layer capacitance; SCs: supercapacitors; ZIBs: zinc-ion batteries.