
Figure 10. OER electrocatalytic performance. (A) LSV curves for OER of blank Ni foam, PANI, NiSe, commercial IrO2 deposited on Ni foam (~1 mg·cm-2) and NiSe-PANI. (B) Cyclic voltammograms of NiSe and NiSe-PANI at different scan rates (from 20 to 100 mV·s-1 with an increment of 20 mV·s-1). (C) Scan rate dependence of current densities for NiSe and NiSe-PANI at 1.25 V vs. RHE. (D) Nyquist plots of NiSe and NiSe-PANI at ƞ of 350 mV. (E) Chronopotentiometric curves of NiSe-PANI at j of 30 mA·cm-2 for a continuous OER process. (F) Schematic mechanism of NiSe-PANI for an efficient OER. The enhanced generation of NiIII/IV active species when oxidized promotes the OER process. (G) Normalized transformation of NiII to NiIII/IV on the basis of NiSe, revealing the enhanced generation of NiIII/IV due to PANI functionalization. Reproduced with permission. Copyright 2018, Royal Society of Chemistry[108].