
Figure 6. (A) Schematic diagram for ARB process and the 2D X-ray diffraction patterns of Zn foils before and after different ARB cycles (2θ = 36.2 degrees). (B) The galvanostatic charge/discharge profile of commercial and textured Zn symmetric cells[169]. (C) Schematic diagram of the fabrication process of 3D Ni-Zn anode[178]. (D) Schematic illustrating stratified Zn deposition from bottom to top[179]. (E) Electric field simulation on the Zn/CC anode surface before and after the deposition of CNT on CC[182]. (F) Schematic illustration of graphene and different functional groups of N and corresponding binding energy with Zn atom[188]. (G) Schematic illustration of Zn plating/stripping process on bulk Zn anode and MGA-Zn anode[191]. (H) Schematic of morphology evolution for lamellar Zn88Al12 (at%) alloy anode[31]. (I) Schematic illustration of the 3D Zn-Mn alloy for suppressed dendrite growth[195]. Reproduced from Refs.[169,178-179,182,188,191] and Refs.[31,195] with permission from Wiley-VCH and Springer Nature.