
Figure 23. (A) Selected cine-angiographic frame from the first case showing the coil-occluded ductus arteriosus. The anomalous left subclavian artery (ALSA) takes off abnormally from the descending aorta (DAo) and supplies blood to the left arm. Note the origin of the ductal diverticulum (DD) from the undersurface of the ALSA. The coil (C) is seen within the ductal structure and residual shunt was not observed. (B) Selected cine angiogram of the pulmonary artery in an axial view demonstrating the location of the coil (C) within the ductal structure. There is no demonstrable narrowing of the pulmonary artery. Sternal wires (SW) from prior cardiac surgery are marked. MPA: Main pulmonary artery. Modified from Ref.[72].